Friday, August 05, 2011

since the ENnies suck donkey balls...

I hereby nominate Zak S. as first recipient of the Old School Ruckus Award for Vornheim: the Complete City Kit.  Do I have a second?
The prestigious OSR Medal of Yavin with Skywalker Jacket, the highest honor of our fellowship.
It will be awarded annually until the ENnies leave that poor donkey alone.


  1. Not only yes, but hell yes.

  2. 2nd, 3rd, 4th - whatever it takes.

    - Ark

  3. Absolutely. Best supplement I've seen in years.

  4. You have my support. I actually voted in the ennies, but couldn't vote in most categories since I had no idea what any of that stuff was.

  5. Hell yes for the award for Zak. I dunno if the actual garment is his style though? Maybe he'd rather have the donkey balls.

  6. I would go with a Leather Fonzie Jacket and a wad of cash as an award.

  7. I bought Vornheim: the Complete City Kit at Ropecon and I have to say it does deserve some kind of reward. It is propably best city supplement that has come after RuneQuest Cities and WHFRP Middenheim sourcebook.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    What's an Ennie?

  9. @Anon - The opposite of an Outie?

    - Ark

  10. ALMOST better than a "Moon Man". :)

  11. Having not seen Vornheim, I cannot in good conscience throw my vote behind it.

    However, it sure as hell comes highly recommended...

  12. if i could only have 2 gaming books i'd take the 1e dmg & Vornheim.

  13. If I could only have one gaming book, I'd take Vornheim. You can roll up the rest of the system on one of Zak's tables.

  14. What is your point anonymous?

    Vornheim didn't win so are you saying Zak must not be the right kind of loud mouth?

    Or that the commenters are loud mouths for agreeing it is a worthy book?

    There are fat beards in the OSR but there are fit bodybuiders too. What does appearance have to do with it?

  15. Hey, he's got my vote. Vornheim is all shades of brilliant. I'm interviewing him for Save or Die soon and I can't wait!


  16. The ennies do deserve a call-out for recognizing the awesomeness of Old School Hack, a tiny little free game that is steeped in OSR hidden goodness.

    My two big hopes for this Fall is to run a Vornheim campaign using it.

  17. An RPG Industry award that's not corrupt / hacked would be a good thing.
