Last month I wrote a four part series called Imperishable Fame that outlined some thoughts I had for a campaign set in mythical pseudo-historical Indo-European times. Last week I got an email from Gameblog reader Nick reminding me that I hadn't quite finished saying everything I wanted to say. Particularly, I want to talk about Death and Remembrance.
I like a pretty high body count in my RPGs. Not out of some sense of sadistic glee at killing PCs, but because the threat of death around every corner keeps the suspense taut even in the kind of silly game I run. To avoid overly bumming people out with constant grim reapering, I tend to try to keep character generation as fast as possible (though I am holding back a radical idea or two about how to make chargen even faster, but that's another post for another day) and when in doubt I tend to give the PCs the opportunity to wriggle their way out of a tight spot. Or at least I give them a 2 in 6 chance of their cockamamie scheme working.
But one side effect of going through so many PCs plue fast chargen is that folks can become extremely blasé about the party dead. "Oh, you're dead? Got any good stuff?" Is the prevailing attitude. Though I must grant that last run my party showed some proper respect for dead NPCs. Down in the dungeons under Verbosh they found the corpse of a knight and his henchman. They brought the bodies back up to the surface and gave them proper burials. At least the burials were proper if those dead guys were worshippers of Tyr. Still, they tried.
In my draft Cinder house rules PCs can score XP by giving their dead big showy heroic send-offs. At the time I introduced that rule no one seemed interested. Carousing is a much more upbeat way to score some extra experience points. For Imperishable Fame part of me wants to replace the carrot with the stick, changing the rule to a penalty. "No XP can be scored until all your dead companions are properly buried." Something like that. Burying the dead isn't a happy occassion for scoring points, but a moral obligation the glaunting of which blocks personal development.
That's the Death part. As far as Remembrance goes, here's my rough thoughts on Remembrance. When your PC is properly buried or retired from play, roll 1d20. If you get under your character level (perhaps modified by heroic deeds, bards singing your fame in your lifetime, etc.) then your PC has become one of the Heroes of Myth. Since fame is a fickle thing, you'd then roll on a chart something like this:
Imperishable Fame Results (d20)
1) A single passing reference in an epic poem.
2) Minor references in multiple epics.
3) Protagonist of an epic poem.
4) Protagonist of an epic poem, but it's a lost work and you're only known via secondary sources.
5) Local hero-cult at your tomb or some other place relevant to your deeds.
6) Widespread Hercules-type hero-cult with multiple tombs and home towns.
7) Annual festival to honor your deeds.
8) Remembered in wildly inaccurate and contradictory tall tales by the campfire.
9) Remembered as the central figure/founder of a mystery cult or secret society
10) Constellation renamed after you
11) Planet renamed after you
12) Remembered as founder of a dynasty
13) Remembered as legendary parent of an entire tribe or people
14) Remembered as legendary founder of a city
15) Your earthly deeds are distorted and/or forgotten, but future generations count you among the high gods.
16) Your legend is eventually re-purposed as the life of a local saint
17) Centuries later you are the subject of a great artist's masterpiece
18) Demographic and political shifts result in you being re-cast as a bogey-man or demon
19) Taken up as hero of the people by an oppressed underclass
20) Get your own comic book like Kirby's Thor
The list of heroes would be remembered by displaying it as one of the panels on my super-rad custom Gm screen, as a real, permanent tribute.
The Revisitation
Following on from the role-playing games I have and haven't played, here
are the games I've played but would very much like to play again before my
body fa...
It would be like an old video game high score table, so of course, I approve immensely.
ReplyDeleteNice one Jeff !
ReplyDeleteI love this idea!
ReplyDeleteWord Verification, and I kid you not: LARPHEAD.
Cool idea. The text says 1d12 and the table has 20 entries. Typo or were there bonuses to the d12 I missed?
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I'd only add one more: #21- Legend has it that your corpse is buried under the end zone of the local coliseum.
ReplyDeleteAndrew: I had 12 ideas when I started and forgot to change the chart.
ReplyDeleteSee, if you limit the amount of carousing your characters can do depending on the size of the settlement, then you can lift that cap if they are giving their dead homey an epic wake.
ReplyDeleteYou could also have the dead character's player take some xp to their next build, if buried in a fitting way.
I'd like to see an entry to the effect that the image of the dead PC's face is arbitrarily appropriated by the campaign's version of pop culture and starts appearing on mugs, shirts, posters and tavern signs, a la Che.
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, why not adopt a rule that all PCs must be named after the word verification string from a blog comment? Blectiog the Brave.
Great ideas... I love the chart.
ReplyDeleteRoger said: You could also have the dead character's player take some xp to their next build, if buried in a fitting way.
ReplyDeleteI dig this idea better than a no XP penalty. How about all XP from a fitting burial goes to the player of the deceased PC's new guy. That way, instead of just the moral obligation they have to honor a fallen sister/brother, they honor and pay tribute to the player as well.
Why don't you factor in character level?
ReplyDeleteRolling, say, 1d6 + level instead of 1d20.
Or, if they don't bury their comrades properly, vengeful spirits stalk them and the gods curse them with misfortune for their impiousness.
ReplyDeleteOr you simply handle it in-context and say that someone who does not give his comrades proper burial honors is untrustworthy and treated more or less as an outlaw (in the Norse sense of "someone no one has anything to do with").
Okay, "Get your own comic book, like Kirby's Thor" may be the best character epilogue EVAR!
ReplyDeleteI mean, what more could any self-respecting Adventurer want?
I love the Imperishable Fame chart and am going to start using it in my campaign. It appears like the table would work well in Savage Worlds and other games with high mortality rates as well.
ReplyDelete- Ark
I agree, factoring character level into the results table seems a worthy idea. Unless you want to reflect the fact that people who are incredibly famous in their time may be forgotten once that generation passes away.