These freaks have been generated for use with the Summon spell from Lamentations of the Flame Princess Grindhouse Edition, using the procedure on pages 143-148 of the Rules & Magic booklet. The demons below should hopefully be enough to cover the ref's ass for a session or two should a PC start with Summon in their spellbook.
Fang-Fronded Frog, HD 0 (d6 hp), AC 12 (9[10]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 120' (leap 150'), Morale 10, no additional powers
Prehensile Machine Seaweed, HD 0 (d6 hp), AC 12 (9[10]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 120', Morale 10, no additional powers
Thorn-Winged Transparent-Feathered Canine with Incomplete Genitals, HD 1, AC 21 (0[19]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 180', Morale 10, no additional powers
Seaweed with Running Teeth, HD 1, AC 12 (9[10]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 120', Morale 10, Stone Shape at will
Gossamer-Eyed Slime with Adhesive Shell, HD 2, AC 17 (4[15]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 60', Morale 10, immune to normal weapons, Phantasmal Force (at will, one at a time)
Excrement with Adhesive Feathers, HD 2, AC 12 (9[10]), 1 attack d6 damage, Move 120', Morale 10, Cloudkill (at will, one at a time), vulnerable to electricity (+1 damage per die)
The Revisitation
Following on from the role-playing games I have and haven't played, here
are the games I've played but would very much like to play again before my
body fa...
Thorn-Winged Transparent-Feathered Canine with Incomplete Genitals
"The Single-Breasted Blue-Footed Boobydog"
Canis Azureapedum Unimamma