Friday, July 01, 2011

real post later

FYI I've updated my little piece on what to drink to get wasted in Wessex.  New version here.

Quick update:  My daughter wants to play some Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, so by "real post later" I guess I mean tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    FYI = For Your Inebriation?

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Playing Lego Star Wars II is nothing to apologize for.


  3. Is that Lego Star Wars II a good game for "grown ups"?

  4. Shooter, I enjoy the heck out of it. For adults the best aspects are probably the silly replays of movie events and the puzzle aspect of tracking down the hidden "mini-kits" in each level.

  5. Yeah, the Lego Star Wars games are very fun and the Original Trilogy game (II) is more fun than the Prequel game, in my opinion.
