Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Speaking of miniatures...

If Avalon Hill/Wizards/Hasbro/Yo Momma ever sold the figures from Menace Menace America as a separate product, I would so buy a set.


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Monsters Menace America is actually a great game -- it's a favorite with everyone in my gaming group, which is unusual for us. I wouldn't pick it up just for the minis, but from what I know of your tastes you'd probably dig the game.

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    If it helps any, I think that you can find it for 50% retail at Toys R Us.

    - Mearls

  3. Thanks, Mearls! I'll check it out! My daughter probably wouldn't mind a trip to the toystore.

  4. You'll have to bring it to Monday night if you find it at the local Backwards "R"

  5. We've got a copy... and I think the game is a blast.
