Just under the deadline I submitted an OD&D session to be included on schedule and this afternoon I had the pleasure of running nine players through a nice little chunk of Under Xylarthen's Tower. I pitched three possible adventures, looting the hidden Verbosh family tombs, finding an archmage's spellbook in the Rat On A Stick dungeon, or locating the (supposedly dead) dragon's hoard under the ruins of the Tower of Xylarthen. The three magic-users in the party lobbied hard for going after that spellbook, but everyone else at the table found the possibility of unguarded Type H treasure was too great a lure.
I really enjoyed running UXT again, especially because this group of players ended up exploring an almost entirely different set of rooms than the original Xylarthen looters. Weirdo mummies were turned and white apes slain. Wandering goblins fled through mysteriously disappearing doors. The mutant ape with the enlarged cranium and psionic powers stayed invisible for the entire encounter with him, so the party never saw his true form! Two unfinished dungeon corridors were barricaded by the Greyhawk Construction Company. And half the party even survived to the end to claim all that loot!

Max approached every encounter as an imaginary situation to be cleverly negotiated, not a set of game emchanics to be beaten down with counter-mechanics. He was truly rockin' that old school spirit. My favorite example is when after a run-in with some "filthy dwarf-types" (kobolds from the wandering monster list) Max lopped off a monster-leg and stuck it in his backpack. At the time, I thought he was just being weird. But later he very effectively distracted some white apes by throwing the grisly limb among them. The apes were much more willing to brawl among themselves over a quick snack rather than fight people bearing torches and swords.
Max wasn't content to let his brief character sheet dictate what he could and couldn't do. He went out there and grabbed that dungeon by the collar and gave it a good shaking. And here's the kicker: Max is twelve years old and today was his first time playing D&D! I've seen it suggested that us grizzled veterans need to unlearn a bunch of cruft to really get back to the heart of D&D. That's the basic tack I've been taking with OD&D for a couple years now, but seeing Max at work really rammed this point home for me.
That is awesome. I recently started teaching my god son to play and I am always surprised with how he plays. He plays his character to the fullest and comes up with some of the greatest solutions to problems I have ever seen. He reminds me what is was like to be a gamer when I was young and wasn't burdened with the knowledge of "having been there and done that". Once again I think young players are great for bringing us back to our roots:)
ReplyDeleteReally sounds like you had a great time. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteI just took a look at the module for the first time (you'll want to fix the link). That "hobgoblin archer" on page 6 looks an awful lot like an Andorian... ;-)
Jeff, you may or may not remember your "What Are the Goblins Doing?" random chart from 2006, but the fine folks over at the Paizo messageboards have an unwholesome love of Goblins, and have expanded it to a d100 chart, with SUBCHARTS! Check it out - http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/general/whatAreTheGoblinsDoing&page=2#776762
ReplyDeleteIt just goes to show that simple game create the most fun and most opportunity for fun! VIVA MAX!
ReplyDeleteWish I could meet this Max fella. Hope you get to cross paths with him again, Jeff.
Also, very cool that a 12-year-old kid made it to a "small" con like FlatCon.
Hey Jeff,
ReplyDeleteThats a great story. Especially loved the pic of Max from Where the Wild Things Are. I'm also hoping to run your module some day.
"Unlearning" stuff is kind of what my blog has been about. Kind of.
ReplyDeleteIf you see Max again, give him a high-five, and tell him that it's from Doc Rotwang!.