This map was constructed out of TSR dungeon geomorphs. I don't think I ever ended up using this particular dungeon, as the rooms are unnumbered. But clearly I had plans to stock this thing using a methodology that was at least partially non-random. The colored areas are clearly zones of control, where groups of monsters (humanoids, probably) could carve out a territory. The purple, green, and yellow areas are strongly defensible, with few entrances. Off the top of my head, the purple area would be held by something fairly tough but numerous, say hobgoblins. The blue area is slightly different from the others. The mazey corridors make holding all those rooms a tougher proposition, so that area would be the poor section of town, where maybe a large but desparate band of goblins live on the edge of extinction. They're all just one wandering monster roll away from being lunch for an ogre. The unmarked sections of the dungeon would have many empty rooms and but otherwise be filled out with randomly generated contents.
One of the oddities of my life is despite having done at least a half-dozen interstate moves since the days I began gaming (and at least two dozen lesser moves) in that time, I still have virtually every single dungeon map I ever drew as a kid (including the very first one I ever GM'ed around age 15 or 16), and most of the character sheets as well.
ReplyDeleteThere are tons of other things I didn't manage to preserve ... scraps of plays, recipes I wish I still had, manuscripts, disks, signed books I treasured, important documents of the legal sort, even.
But I kept all the dungeons. Go fig :)
Some of them make nice Windows wallpapers.
Really nice map, thanks for sharing it