Tuesday, July 10, 2007

picture time

One of the greastest silly threads in the history of RPGnet was "Overly Honest RPG Covers". Sadly, many of the pictures on that thread are now dead links, including a great Krull based Encounter Critical cover and a Traveller cover that featured the cast of Futurama. Below are some of my favorites that I'm preserving for posterity. The first one is by our own Doctor Rotwang!

I can't make up my mind which of these Pendragon covers I like more.


  1. I took down the "Krull/EC" one because I didn't think anyone cared anymore. I'll see if I can find it at home and put it back up.

  2. I thought that one was also yours! If you don't want to put it back where it was, just email it to me. I'll add it in here.

  3. Thats Rifts cover actually makes me want to play the game more than any of the real covers ever did. "C'mon, moto-horse! Let's blast elder gods!"

  4. Funny Rifts cover = pretty much an actual Gamma World cover.

    Damn. Now I want to run Gamma World. Probably powered by Mutants and Masterminds.

  5. S'coo', baby. I just hafta find the file on my Compumachine.
