Catch-all Random Advancement
I normally roll with games that use the canonical seven BX classes, but FLAILSNAILS PCs are a motley lot. This chart is designed for the nice people for whom the existing charts are a less than ideal fit.
When your weirdo PC goes up a level, you can roll on this chart once, but you have to sacrifice something. That would take the form of a spell slot you would otherwise gain, your new hit die, a special class ability, a boost to your saving throws or to-hits. Note that all that stuff can be found on the chart below.
If there is an existing random advance chart for your class, you can burn a roll on that chart to roll here. You can only do that once per level.
By the way, many entries on this table is pretty dungeon oriented and may not be appropriate for a campaign with a different focus.
03-10 You gain +1 to-hits.
11-17 You gain +2 to-hit with a weapon of your choice, all normal unarmed attacks, or a single spell that requires a to-hit roll. If you roll this again you must select a different attack.
18-25 +1 on all saving throws
26-34 +2 on one category of saving throw. If you are a FLAILSNAILer, pick both an old school category like Death Ray and one of the Reflex/Endurance/Will trio. If you end up in a single saving throw game, this only counts as +1.
35-42 Gain a bonus hit die. If you are Name Level and no longer getting dice, you get one any way.
43 You gain +1 Constitution. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
44-52 You gain a spell slot of your highest current spell level. Not a spell caster? Roll d4 on this subchart:
- You’ve become a tree hugger. Each day you get a random 1st level druid spell.
- You found religion. Pick a faith if you don’t have one. Each day you get a random 1st level cleric spell.
- Turns out you have some previously unknown sorcerer blood. Each day you get a random 1st level magic-user spell.
- Find some other weirdo caster class and get a random 1st level spell of theirs each day.
If you are not a caster and end up back here, don’t roll d4. Instead, give yourself a random 2nd level spell each day, then a random 3rd, etc. up to 6th level. After that, reroll this result.
53-54 You gain +2 weapon damage against some monster type you fought last session. You pick. If can cast spells, you can choose to gain this bonus with spell attacks instead of weapons. The bonus would apply to individual magic missiles but act as a flat +2 on a single fireball. If you get this result again you must pick another kind of monster.
55 You gain +1 Wisdom. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
56-57 Subject to any special attacks last session? If they were the kind that require a saving throw, you are now +4 to save against one of them (like giant spider poison), whether you saved previously or not. If they were the kind that didn’t get a save (spectre level drain, for instance), you now get a saving throw to avoid. Specify both the monster type and the attack when you record this bonus. If you roll this a second time you must pick a different special attack. If you were not subject to any special attacks last session, reroll this result.
58-60 Admirer: You have attract the attention and adoration of some 0-level numbskull. If you can get them through 3 adventures without killing them, they become a 1st level henchweenie of your character class.
61 You gain +1 Charisma. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
62 You’re now tougher than leather. +1 armor class. Reroll if you get this result a second time.
63 You gain +1 Intelligence. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
64-65 You’re getting quite good with adventuring equipment. Pick an item on the standard equipment list, something that isn’t a class-specific tool. You are now an Expert with that kind of equipment. There’s no mechanics attached to this, but the DM should give you some extra leeway when putting that item to use.

66 You gain +1 Dexterity. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
67 Your last dungeon expedition has left you irrevocably altered. Roll on the nearest mutation chart.
68-69 Did you have any conversations with monsters last session? Even if they were brief or didn’t go well, you learned a valuable lesson on negotiating with them. +1 reaction rolls with an encountered monster type. If you roll this again, you must select a different monster or re-roll.
70 You gain +1 Charisma. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
71-73 Your dungeon skills get better. Your choice of +1 Listen at Doors, +1 Find Secret Door, +1 Open Doors, or +1 Find Traps. If you roll this again you must pick a different bonus. If you get all four, reroll the fifth time you get this result.
74-75 You’ve been practicing operating in heavier armor. You can use your class abilities with the next heavier set of armor. For example, a thief could sneak around in studded leather or ring mail, a wizard could cast spells while holding a shield, etc. If you are already an “any armor allowed” type, your armor always counts as one category less encumbering for all purposes (swimming, climbing, leaping, etc.) EXCEPT movement rate.
76 Torch Fighter: you are an expert fighter with a weapon in one hand and a torch in the other. By warding off attackers you can use the torch as a shield--though it is useless against fireproof entities--or you can make a second attack each round at -4 (your primary attack takes no penalty, so why the hell not?). The torch works as a d4 club against fireproof beings, but does d6 to all others. Plus if you roll a 6 you set them aflame. Sweet. Also, you knwo what you are doing sufficiently that these shenanigans will never extinguish your torch unless you do something like clobber a water weird. Reroll this result if you have already rolled it or if your character has infravision.
77 You gain +1 Strength. If this puts you past the max allowed in your rule set (e.g. there are no 19 stats in BX), roll again, but you are allowed to exceed AD&D1-style racial maximums.
78-80 Thousand Yard Stare: You are +4 saves against fear effects and never freak out when you see gruesome violence or comrades die. Part of you is just too dead inside to care anymore.
81-82 New weapon: Pick a weapon forbidden to your class. You are now proficient with it. If you already can use any weapon, work with the DM to develop some exotic new weapon your PC can use.
83-84 You know the location of a your heart's desire or simply a spot where a Type H treasure lies. It is no more than 4 sessions away. You must have a fair shot at it--like any other treasure, but there's no guarantee you will get it. If you don't get it by the fourth session you can keep trying or let it go and roll again on this table. However if you choose to roll again and then you do get the thing somehow anyway, you lose whatever gimmick you rolled. The DM must think up some clever reason why.
85-86 Dungeon survivor: If you get hopelessly lost in a dungeon you can make your way out no more than d6 days later. You emerge naked-- though you may be covered in gods know what kinds of slime, filth and blood--and exhausted, but alive. You can only save d6 other party members. If you don’t roll high enough to account for the whole party, you must choose who lives and who dies. You are not allowed to settle this question by die roll, drawing straws, or any other form of cop-out. The responsibility is entirely yours. You can use this power only once, unless you roll it again.
87-89 Admit it, every adventurer is a thief of sorts. Gain your choice of Move Silently plus Hide In Shadows (both), Find & Remove Trap, Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Climb Walls, or Back Stab at proficiency equal to your new level. This ability does not advance unless you roll this again and pick the same thing. Note that Move, Hide, and Climb won't work in armor heavier than studded leather. If
you already have all these skills, re-roll.
90-91 You’ve developed a seventh sense about the undead. If the shambling corpse or spooky phantom you’ve just spotted can drain levels, you just know. Reroll if you get this result again.
92-93 Expert Looter: In any situation where the GP value of loot is determined by die roll, you get the better of two rolls for your share only. If you have to quickly swipe one item from a trove, you always get the item worth the most. If you fill quickly fill your backpack, it will always end up at least 50% full with the best stuff available. This ability has no effect on magic items. Reroll if you get this result again.
94-95 Your getting good at rolling with the fall. You take half damage from any fall of 30’ or less, as well as any damage from wrestling throws, trips, bucking broncos, etc. Reroll if you get this result again.
96-97 Hardscrabble Fighter: Once per combat and before you roll to-hit in melee you can declare that you are fighting even dirtier than usual. You get +2 to-hit and if you succeed the foe is stunned d3 rounds due to eye gouge, purple nurple, ball crush, etc. Does not work on foes with no discernible weak points. Reroll if you get this result again.
98-99 An Item Just For You: Unless the DM has already specified the origin of an item, you may declare any found magic item of less than artifact status to be also usable by your class. Furthermore, it has additional powers ONLY usable by members of your class. The DM should roll on the same chart that lists the item or the nearest equivalent. (Example: Not only is that Staff of Curing now usable by death masters, but in their grubby little hands it now also functions as a death masters-only Wand of Illusion!) You may use this ability just once. You may roll this result again, but if you have not used the previous roll, you lose both opportunities.
100 You’ve Seen A Lot of Crazy Shit: Once per session you can know a relevant fact about darn near anything. The DM will make a secret Intelligence check for your character. If it succeeds, they will be both truthful and informative. If it fails, they can provide partially correct information, but they aren’t allowed to automatically doom you unless a 20 is rolled. Reroll if you get this result again.
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