Thursday, October 06, 2011

For sale: Everburning Torches of Dundagel

Last night the party acquired four Everburning Torches of Dundagel from the vampire lair.  They are keeping two and offering the other two for sale to other PCs visiting the Caves of Myrddin area.  Here are the known properties of the Everburning Torches:

  • Under normal dungeon circumstances they burn continuously with the normal light, heat and flammability of ordinary torches.
  • When placed in water the flame goes out, but it automatically relights when withdrawn.
  • The flame only burns in proper dungeons.  E.g. The Torches do not work in the non-haunted basement crypt of the abbey.  Actual dungeons have some metaphysical property that differentiates them from other holes in the ground.  Upon reaching the exit of the dungeon the flame goes out, automatically relighting when you next visit a dungeon.
The two Everburning Torches retained by the party have been modified by the assistance of the blacksmith in Camelton, a nearby village.  The flaming end of the torch has been encaged by a heavy iron network.  This allows the torches to function as described above and also as flame tongue maces.  At least until this makeshift modification is broken from heavy use.  Whoever buys one of the Torches can spend 150gp to have theirs so-modified.

Here's how the sale works: Offers will be taken here, on G+ and via gmail (jrients@yaddayadda) from now until the next tabletop session, Wednesday October 19th.  Acceptable items offered include gold, gems, jewels, magic items, MU spells or anything else that might be of value to inhabitants of the Wessex setting.  At the session on the 19th I will present all offers to the owners and I will get back to whoever they choose to sell to.


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    You have made some lovely interpretations of the torch. Bravo!

  2. There is something epic about the way Constantcon is letting you open your dungeon up to folks. I'm I think that is awesome. I think I will email you.

  3. Haha, it's pretty cool you're selling these over the persistent world. It's a nifty reinterpretation, having these items only work in real dungeons. It seems like it'd help keep the rest of the setting insulated from the "how does this magic thing change the world?" dilemma.

  4. I like the way they also function as dungeon detectors.


    "What was that?"

    "Crap! One of the torches lit up. Keep an eye out for wandering monsters!"

  5. I love the dungeon-only clause on the torches. The idea that some 'permanent' magical items are essentially running off the otherness of the dungeon (whether it's the mythic nature of the underworld, or creepy radiation, or what-have-you) is excellent. Love it.

  6. Are you selling to people who play in your campaigns or to anyone?

  7. Would it be wrong of me to yoink these for my own setting?

  8. PlanetNiles: Yoink away!

    Louis Clark: Anyone with a FLAILSNAILS character or a PC in one of the allied G+ Tekumel games can make an offer.
