1st Level
Join a Basic NPC party
Join a Bandit gang with up to 29 other 1st level thieves, led by a 2nd+ level human of any class
Serve as a Retainer to a PC
Travel to a new Master Thief's Hideout to join his gang
Serve as retainer to a minor Noble (F3)
2nd Level
Join a Basic NPC party
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
3rd level
Join a Basic NPC party
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
Serve a Fighter of 7th to 10th level
4th level
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
Serve a Fighter of 7th to 10th level
5th and 6th level
Join an Expert NPC party
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
Serve a Fighter of 7th to 10th level
7th and 8th level
Join an Expert NPC party
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
9th and 10th level
Join an Expert NPC party
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
Build a Hideout, attract 1st level thieves
11th through 14th level
Lead up to 30 Bandits
Serve as a Retainer to a PC of at least the same level
Build a Hideout, attract 1st level thieves
I've just read the collection of Blood Hunt, Marvel's recent vampire
crossover event thing. It's not bad, although it seems to lose interest in
itself abou...
OK Jeff, listen, I gotta confess. After seeing a number of these posts I still have no idea what they are for or what they mean.
ReplyDeleteCan't OSR/D&D players make up things? I mean, when you need to know what a 3rd level thief is doing can't you just decide that on the stop?
These aren't even in the much vaunted I-can't-be-creative-on-the-spot-so-I-pre-prepare-a-random-chart Random Chart format that is so adored.
I love your blog and your stuff but I simply don't get these entries.
Alien, Just because you can't figure out a use for something personally doesn't mean it doesn't have value. I like the lists myself as I like to make mini games out of world creation and play solo a lot. If you encounter level NPCs randomly, I like these lists of options for serving as "who is this guy and what is he doing?". Jeff maybe uses them for something else. You can use them however you like, or ignore them, or you know, whine about them.
ReplyDeleteOmega, let's not get riled up here. BA is welcome to not like any particular post or be confused by its existence. YDIS may have gone a little overboard by announcing my death in the headline of his post complaining on the same subject, but again, dude's entitled to his opinions.
ReplyDeleteBA, all I wanted to see was where one would encounter NPCs of various classes and levels when using the BX rules. Classed NPCs turn up in the follower listings in the class descriptions, in various monster listings (Bandit, Mediums, Acolytes, Veterans, Men, etc.) and in the NPC party rules. I just wanted to see all those pieces put together.
It offers a really intriguing view of the ramifications that the various class/level mentions in B/X D&D would bring about. Basically, it is painting a "by the book" world framework and suggests a ton about the "default" world for that game. I doubt Moldvay/Cook intended it when they wrote the books, but it is fascinating nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteWell, that does give me a bit of insight into the what and why of it. Thanks Jeff. That's really all I wanted.
ReplyDeleteIf my comment came off a bit heavy handed I simultaneously apologize and need to tell the internet to 'buck up trooper'. I write the way I talk and that is what it is.
If I'm a bit frustrated it may come through in my comment. See, as I noted in the last line, I really like a lot of Jeff's writing but felt these lists were, in my personal opinion only, taking up valuable blog space better used for more interesting content.
Lol, Jeff - all I said was that BA couldn't figure out how to use the stuff (which is the same as what he said). Then I thought I'd help him out to offer how I was using your stuff. And then I even acknowledged he was well within his rights as an internet citizen to use it, ignore it or even whine. I'm not riled up at all. We are in total agreement.
ReplyDeleteBA - I ain't mad. Admit it - the first comment WAS kinda whiny, no? I get that you'd rather Jeff write something else, but it's a blog. It's less about what you want to read and more about what Jeff wants to write. There really IS no "valuable blog space" that will run out - the space here is infinite and Jeff's to fill with whatever he wants.
If we're talking a paid for published book, then yeah, you can have a gripe about space taken up by what it's filled with.
Or, you know, since this is the internet, gripe away. :) I like both you guys. It's all good in the hood.
And BA, If you don't want something you say getting referred to as a "whine" make it sound less whiny, or as they say "buck up trooper." lol. It's just the internet, dudes. We're grown men talking about make believe.
I like both you guys. It's all good in the hood.