Monday, April 18, 2011

Quick Reminder: OSR Links to Wisdom

If you haven't been there yet do yourself a favor and check out OSR Links to Wisdom, a wiki-based clearing house for all the best in Old School blogging.  If you've got some super-useful blog post bookmarked, please consider adding it to the list.  It isn't hard to do.

Also, right now Daddy Grognard is running a poll for a Links to Wisdom logo.  Go here to vote.


  1. Wow...I'm surprised how many times my blog shows up on this thing. I had no idea it even existed! Wild.

  2. There's now a form with which to make adding links even easier (but editing pages still works like it used to): Submit a Link.

  3. JB, we'll let you off owing to your new fatherhood.

    Thanks Jeff!
