So it looks like I have been cleared for a press pass for the next GenCon Indy. Which is pretty funny, given the normal levity to gravity ratio around here. My plan is to visit for one day (probably Saturday) and try to come up with a little report for all the folks who wish they could go but can't. I'll bring this up again as we get closer to the con, but I just wanted to put this idea in everyone's head: if there's something you specifically want me to try to get info about let me know in a comment here or via email (jrients, gmail, etc, etc.). Right now I don't have a plan beyond hitting up the OSR Group booth and seeing if Goodman Games has mock-ups of the DCCrpg.
I will try to suppress the urge to wear a fedora with a little card in the band labeled "PRESS" and refer to myself as Scoops Rients.
Trench Crusade Warband: Sisters of the Sable Geisslerlieder
So I have become absolutely *fixated* upon Trench Crusade. Maybe it is
the aesthetics, maybe it is the fact that I'm a huge WWI fan (Second Yrpes
It would be cool if you could do some video blog posts featuring OSR personalities - especially short interviews and/or snips of them in action at the table.
ReplyDelete'Scoops'... awesome.
ReplyDeleteGet yourself some Swifty Lazar glasses, and you're set!
I've never been to a con. I'm curious whether all the folks there have any clue about the OSR. Maybe you could question random folks about their thoughts on old school games.
ReplyDeleteI will try to suppress the urge to wear a fedora with a little card in the band labeled "PRESS" and refer to myself as Scoops Rients.
Why would you try to suppress this urge?
You're going to be at GENCON. Having a fedora with a PRESS card in it can calling yourself "Scoops" is less role-playing than most folks there are going to be doing when they're standing in line to buy lunch.
Cut the malarky and get us some leads, Scoops!
ReplyDeleteI heartily endorse the Fedora + Press Card.. That's just a sign of class.
ReplyDeleteExtra points if you take sepia photos too.. (even more if it's with an old fashioned camera) :)
I believe that Mr. Goodman has stated that he will not be at Gencon this year. You should definitely check out the Tower of Gygax game if they're running it again.
ReplyDeleteI think the fedora and press pass are required.
ReplyDeleteI although think you need some thick-rimmed black glasses and a Superman logo t-shirt worn under your button-down shirt and tie.
Press passes are a great little perk, that I am totally addicted to. No matter where my career has been I have always tried to connive a way to get them.
ReplyDeleteYou need to get a pencil to gnaw on and little spiral notebook to complete the look. Plus make sure to affect a Jimmy Steward tone to your voice as you dog people with questions.
Yes please on the fedora/press/scoops persona. After all, you have to get SOME roleplaying in, right?
ReplyDeleteNeat! You oughta take it Fear & Loathing style - live it up! Demand lead figures in your hotel room then trash it with your wand of fireballs!
ReplyDeleteFear and Loathing at GenCon with Scoop Rients.
ReplyDeleteI am in awe of Ragnorakk's idea.
I will think considerably less of you if you don't wear the fedora and press card, Scoops. :)
ReplyDeleteThe "Scoop" I'm interested in is some pictures of youre aforementioned "awesome facial hair"; I swear to god that if you have a set of "Lemmy" choppers I'm going to have to follow suit...
If you ever try out my Muppets RPG idea one of your character must, I said MUST! be named Scoops Rients. It's perfect.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it weird how Swifty Lazar looks like the Six Flags guy?
@Guy: That hurt my brain, but you are right...
ReplyDeleteI might read the news if more journalists were like you.
ReplyDelete...and if they were talking about D&D more.
Tower of Gygax will definitely be running again; in fact, per a discussion I had with Gail Gygax at GaryCon, they are going to be taking it on the road to other conventions as a money-maker for the memorial. Incidentally, if you think you have seen a mock-up of the memorial in the past, forget everything you know--the truth is a hundred times more awesome, complete with bronze three-headed dragon and mysterious stairs descending into the depths. And I will never forget when she spoke the phrase "maybe we'll let the fans vote on whether it's Classic Gary or Futurama Gary."
ReplyDeleteOh, but as for what you should cover at Gen-Con ... you owe it to yourself to go to the auction and the auction store, as it is the singlehanded best guarantee of amazing sights, sounds, and deals on all sorts of gaming material.
Great news - and if you need a Fedora or three, I've got some you could use. :)
ReplyDelete- Ark
If you make your saving throw versus Fedora Press, you must then make a second saving throw to see if you wear a fedora with something else in it. And if you make that, I'm sorry, it is Save Versus Fez time :)
ReplyDelete@Barking Alien: If Scoops Rients is a muppet, he'd have to be a dog, just so his column could be named "Scoops' Poop."