Another galaxy, another time....
PC name help
Human throw 3d6, consult charts below
Male first name
1 Biggs
2 Colton
3 Rand
4 Serji
5 Tiberius
6 Wedge
Female first name
1 Amaiza
2 Barbarella
3 Camie
4 Jolli
5 Meri
6 Shira
Last name, first element
1 Dark- (or Shadow-)
2 Fox- (or Wolf-)
3 Moon-
4 Sky- (or Space-)
5 Star-
6 White- (or some other color)
Last name, second elements
1 -killer (or -slayer)
2 -lighter
3 -shine (or -gleam)
4 -sun (or -star)
5 -train (or -jet)
6 -walker (or -strider)
Droid, roll d12 and 2d10
1 First letter of first name/d10 roll/Last letter of first name/d10 roll
2 First letter of first name/d10 roll/Last letter of last name/d10 roll
3 First letter of first name/d10 roll/First letter of last name/d10 roll
4 Last letter of first name/d10 roll/First letter of first name/d10 roll
5 Last letter of first name/d10 roll/First letter of last name/d10 roll
6 Last letter of first name/d10 roll/Last letter of last name/d10 roll
7 First letter of last name/d10 roll/Last letter of first name/d10 roll
8 First letter of last name/d10 roll/Last letter of last name/d10 roll
9 First letter of last name/d10 roll/First letter of last name/d10 roll
10 Last letter of last name/d10 roll/First letter of last name/d10 roll
11 Last letter of last name/d10 roll/First letter of first name/d10 roll
12 Last letter of last name/d10 roll/Last letter of first name/d10 roll
Wookie, roll d20 on the chart below d4+1 times
1 At
2 Ba
3 Bo
4 Buk
5 Chit
6 Chu
7 Ful
8 Gee
9 Ka
10 Kuk
11 La
12 Lum
13 Ma
14 Pa
15 Roo
16 Tar
17 Ti
18 To
19 Var
20 Wa
Jawa, 3 rolls of d10, put together as Roll + 't' + Roll + 'n' + roll. E.g. Eetawnyo.
1 Ah
2 Aw
3 Ay
4 Ee
5 Eh
6 Ho
7 Oi
8 Oo
9 Uh
10 Yo
Sand People do not give their names to the few outsiders they speak to.
The rest of the party should come up with a nickname for the character.
If the party cannot quickly agree on a nickname, the default choice is 'Sandy'.
Greedoian roll d12, females add the suffix -ata, males -do
1 Baktu-
2 Buree-
3 Chee-
4 Flee-
5 Ken-
6 O-
7 Plaa-
8 Raamoon-
9 Rapi-
10 Thee-
11 Tree-
12 Zee-
Hammerhead, roll d8 + d10
Hammerhead male first names (d8)
1 Ammerha
2 Boolon
3 Deldob
4 Flen
5 Gillom
6 Momaw
7 Murr
8 Neelig
Hammerhead female first names (d8)
1 Cellwan
2 Flen
3 Gillom
4 Haalis
5 Ivuur
6 Oovei
7 Voonuvi
8 Wimmel
Hammerhead last names (d10)
1 Ado
2 Corrob
3 Cranata
4 Habat
5 Ixlis
6 Laka
7 Moomo
8 Nadon
9 Pefan
10 Toreena
Snaggletooth (d12)
1 Takeel
2 Takle
3 Takmore
4 Takton
5 Toogeel
6 Toogle
7 Toogmore
8 Toogton
9 Zuteel
10 Zutle
11 Zutmore
12 Zutton
Walrus Man - roll d6 twice. Reroll if you get 2,1. That guy is dead.
1 Baba
2 Ponda
3 Ruzwal
4 Sawkee
5 Sidbam
6 Teak
[These charts were a compilation of half-assed research on Wookieepedia and crap I made up.]
Trench Crusade Warband: Sisters of the Sable Geisslerlieder
So I have become absolutely *fixated* upon Trench Crusade. Maybe it is
the aesthetics, maybe it is the fact that I'm a huge WWI fan (Second Yrpes
My next SW character is definitely going to be a space hillbilly named Tiberius Moonshine.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jeff!
You forgot putting "Paul" under Walrusman.
You've somehow tapped into my childhood, Mr. Rients.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid, Han Solo and Chewie flew around in the Millenium Falcon with a crew composed of Walrus Man, Snaggletooth, Hammerhead, and Greedo (apparently he and Han had reconciled over the whole who shot first thing) and fought against Darth Vader and his *one* stormtrooper, and maybe Baron Karza...
It was the only time I really played with the action figures as who they were on the box.
Who knew I was predicting your Encounter Critical campaign so long ago...
Man I cannot wait to play Lalalalala the Wookiee...
ReplyDeleteIf anyone rolls a 9 for their male Greedoian, he just *might* shoot first.
ReplyDeleteWalrusman Jolli Moonshine it is!
ReplyDeleteP.S. He's adopted by humans.
ReplyDeleteV2-P8 reporting. You may call me "VeeToo" if it is easier on your pathetic human minds.
ReplyDelete@yoyorobbo I think they make a cream for that.
ReplyDeleteRandom choices:
ReplyDeleteI1-U2 (romance droid)
B4-L8 (alarm clock droid)
H8-W8 (diet droid)
C2-G8 (guard droid)
U1-B4 (game droid)
T4-U2 (refreshment droid)
"Reroll if you get 2,1. That guy is dead."
ReplyDeleteWhat if the player wants their character to be walrus man Inigo Montoya?
Are you suggesting his full name was Inigo Montoya Junior? I don't recall that from the film or the book.
ReplyDeleteI don't even need to roll to know I want to play a male Greedoian named Bureedo.
ReplyDeleteReading the Encounter Critical rules reminds me of playing as a kid with mixtures of lego, Star Wars figures and miscellaneous extras.
Fans of the cantina aliens might find this article pretty cool. It goes into the original names intended before the expanded universe materials came about and renamed them...
ReplyDeleteI got inspired by this and created some Star Wars name tables on my tables site: if anyone's interested.
ReplyDeleteA friend taught me years ago how to create Star Wars names.
ReplyDeleteFirst name: Take the first 3 letters of your first name and add the first 3 letters of your last name.
Last name: Take the first 3 letters of the city you live in and add the last 3 letters of the street you live on.
My name under the system is Jossta Ricurt
@the venomous pao: that stuff doesn't work.... or so I've heard. ;^o
ReplyDeleteZarcanthropus: Hmm. On the one hand 'Jefnts Urbber' looks kinda sci-fi. On the ohter hand it hardly rolls off the tongue.
ReplyDeleteErr... it's supposed to be the first 3 letters of of your last name not he last 3. Jefrie rolls off the tongue better but doesn't sound sci-fi at all. Ya win some ya loose some...
ReplyDeleteMy group came up with some great first names like Bilgri, Jamdea and Thosil