Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random comics...

...found over my lunch hour at a used book store for a buck apiece.

Help!  I'm trapped in an Aquaman adventure!Every time I see Neptune in a DC comic he's going on about someone swiping his stuff. He's worse than that leprechaun with the cereal.

Sheesh.  Are you sure that's enough guest stars for one issue?  The Defenders aren't busy.  Aplha Flight's probably available too.Until today I had no idea that the X-Men had their own reprint title.

In this issue the Changeling fights Beast Boy and Robotman!

Everything I know about the Titans I learned from the cartoon. When I first glanced at this cover I thought the grey dude was the Changeling.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Is that Robotman on the cover with Beast Boy? I'm about halfway through the entire run of Doom Patrol and didn't know that Beast Boy actually got his start in Doom Patrol.

  2. Yeah, I think so. I haven't read the issue yet.

  3. Classic X-Men is actually pretty old at this point.

    Currently, there is an X-Men First Class title out there that tells (untold?) stories of the original X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Angel, and Iceman). I haven't looked at it, though.

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    It's been a long time so my memory could be faulty, but I thought X-Men Classic was a book that focused on the "old" team versus one of the many "new" X-Men teams that cropped up during that period.

  5. If by the "old team" you mean what I consider the "new team", then yeah. We're talking about the adventures of the Giant Sized X-Men #1 crew.
