My folks, my sister Jenn, and my nephew all came over for a visit yesterday. While mom and dad played with the grandkids Jenn and I played a game of Carcassonne. She brought her copy so that I could try the Traders & Builders expansion. Good stuff. I'm going to have to get a copy of that. We also played a game of Scrabble with my wife. I got a new copy for a fiver at the after-Xmas sales. Maybe at the next Winter War I will run a session of Carcassonne with all the expansions in use.
Later after everyone went home I got onto Amazon. My brother-in-law's birthday is this coming weekend, so I ordered him a book off of his wishlist. And while I was doing that I got Elizabeth a Teen Titans DVD. She's really gotten into that show. We spent a fair amount of time on Saturday looking for a copy locally. And my needed another travel guide to Disneyworld. Reading those and planning the perfect Disney vacation are her hobby. And I got myself the official Mutants & Masterminds GM's screen and Goodman Game's Dungeon Crawl Classic #11: The Dragonfiend Pact. I bought a module. That's what getting C&C will do to you. I need another dungeon module like a need a whole in my head. But I love 'em. I spent a good portion of the weekend downloading a bunch of free adventure modules from Wizards.
Random campaign idea: a trio of sci-fi 'novels'. The first novel is set in the solar system, in a near future sort of thing ripped in large part from the Spacer's Guide for Jovian Chronicles. Book 2 is set in Alpha Centauri, a la Centauri Knights from Guardians of Order. The final novel of the trilogy would feature a first contact story set in the second solar system ever to be visited by humans: Volturnus of Star Frontiers fame. I imagine running the whole thing with Savage Worlds or d20 Future.
The greatest horror game ever is here.
That's pretty much it, folks.
DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.
I've had the PDF for some time now, and I'm really hap...
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