Many moons ago I swiped this image from a java'ed-up adbar over at RPGnow, if I recall correctly. This little goblin guy came with a bunch of different suits of armor and weapons and such you could drag onto his body. Of course I was drawn to this pink tutu and 8-ball-on-stick ensemble. I've been using this graphic as an avatar for a while at some places, like RPGPundit's blog. I'm switching it to my default avvie from my little half-orc assassin.
I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty
and witty and bright!
Mince Pie Fest 2024: Lidl Deluxe
These chunky pies have a pastry that's a touch too firm for me, tipping
over into a biscuity crunch, of which I am not fond. The filling is much
better, wi...
One of these days, I should probably create an avatar for the forums and such that I frequent.