Friday, November 24, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023
Bidding into Danger

- An RPG where pro-wrestling is for realsies: The flippy shit high-fliers can take the initiative by willing to risk botching their attack.
- A fantasy or horror game: Wizards may go first if they are willing to risk accidentally unleashing the forces of hell.
- Rolemaster, just for fun: Initiative bidding where the number goes up and the result is added to everyone's fumble range.
Saturday, October 07, 2023
Rest in Peace, Dave Hoover
[This is not about the comic book professional Dave Hoover.]
Yesterday I learned that Dave Hoover passed away. Dave was a key person in the Champaign-Urbana, Illinois rpg scene for decades. He GMed lots of local campaigns (I played mostly Feng Shui and Savage Worlds with him) and many, many games at the local convention. He once ran a game in every single slot of the con, something like 12 different games over one weekend. Dave also hosted some Halo LAN parties, if anyone remembers those glory days. He and his wife owned a game store called Armored Gopher Games for a while and it was the friendliest FLGS you could ever ask for. Nearly every store game I ever ran was at the Armored Gopher.
More importantly than being a Game Dude, Dave was just a decent human being. He was kind and caring. He was, by all accounts, a good husband and father. Certainly every time I saw him interact with his family he was earnestly trying to get that stuff right. He was also the kind of guy that, if it happened to come up in conversation that you weren't familiar with the work of the band Avenged Sevenfold, next time he saw you he'd hand you a CD burned with his favorite tracks from their catalog. That was the sort of generous spirit Dave had. He was a genuine good guy and the world is the worse off without him.
My heart goes out to his family.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Grim Weaponry
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The other day I was goofing around on and I decided to knock together a quickie Grim Reaper. |
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That's when I thought of this visual gag, which I call "New Reaper Shows Up to 1st Day of Work Having Misunderstood the Assignment." |
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So what else could a Grim Reaper wield? This sword looks cool but feels kinda basic. |
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This battle axe looks pretty dang badass. |
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"What am I, a cleric over here?!?" |
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"Time to die. Square up, mofo." |
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Is this a Shaolin spade? The author of the Zombie Survival Handbook insists that this is the best weapon for decapitating zombos. |
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Dual wield spiked chains seems extra AF. |
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This Reaper is not messing around. |
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The ultimate horror. |
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
An Email Exchange
- I started the campaign with the map from the original (1997) Fallout, the PCs are from vault 13, and they've been everywhere in the region: spent a few weeks in LA, which would take the giants a few nights raiding (a week?) to destroy the populated parts of the city, maybe a neighbourhood a night.
- The underground vaults are probably safe from the giants for now. There's a nuke in the possession of one of the villains someone might turn on a vault or a skyfortress.
- Truck Stop, the longtime base town of friendly mutants and assorted refugees is perpetually in peril, packed with repeat NPCs and the PCs favourite cocktail lounge. There's more than enough people and stuff to threaten, but this place is probably the one that would hurt most. It would be crushed in a night.
- The first village they came to outside the vault is Shady Sands, and that's where I'll start. Probably nobody remembers that first game in like 1999-2000, but there may be notes on the long-forgotten NPCs, none of whom are likely to be heartbreakers. Anyway, now it's all a trampled, mildly radioactive, gory mess anyway, gone in an hour, and the green cloud of mutant lightning nimbus death is headed to whichever locale is next on the shitlist.
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Chainmonster by Ian MacLean |
Monday, September 25, 2023
The Cosmic Purpose of Role-Playing Games
If your sessions are anything like mine, a lot of ludicrous stuff gets said by the participants. RPGs put people into imaginary situations via dialogue. That means people will say things in an RPG session that would never be said in any other context. Therefore, RPG play taken as a whole is a sort of Unique Utterance Machine. We are collectively reciting the Nine Billion Names of God, the spoken version of the Tower of Hanoi, the oral Library of Babel. The last RPG played will exhaust language itself.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Mystery Solved
It’s a Gobbler, a creation of gloranthan dwarves, whose job is to eat special metals and other materials the dwarves would prefer that humans, trolls, and others not get their grubby hands on.
Basically the dwarves take it near where they suspect other races have been doing technological espionage, feed some Gobblers a sample of X material, and then those Gobblers go crazy for X, can sense it from far away, can digest it, will fight past anything just to reach it, and will eat it in preference to continuing to fight
I don’t recall which book they are in. I don’t remember their RuneQuest stats either, but I don’t there was anything unusual about their combat abilities. Doubt they had magic, unlike nearly everything else in Glorantha, since they are artificial.
Thanks, anon-a-commenter! With that lead I was able to track down this image of the re-release of the original Archive mini back in 2005 or so:
Dwarfs have other creatures to help them protect their possessions, too. One of the best known is the Gunpowder Gobbler. A horde of them appeared one time, and they ate much more than that arcane substance when they stampeded towards their prey. They have many hands and a great mouth, and they are very strong. Their appetite is enhanced by their eating the alchemical powder, and they get stronger from it as well . Thus, the more there is to eat, the hungrier and nastier one gets. Once it has eaten everything, it goes on a rampage. Many instances of Gobbler outbreaks are recorded, and most authorities are quite adamant about suppressing the development of, or even experimentation with, that alchemical powder in their districts.
According to this web article by Sandy Petersen, Gobblers "can be taught spells, but has only those Arts and Presence which has been enchanted into its hide." I have no idea what Arts and Presence mean in this context, as I know very little about the RuneQuest/HeroQuest family of games.
Finally, I was able to track down some RQ stats for these four-armed goons:
Characteristics Average
- STR 2D6+12 19
- CON 4D6+12 26
- SIZ 3D6+12 22–23
- INT 1D6+2 5–6
- POW 3D6 10–11
- DEX 2D6+8 15
Hit Points: 29 Move: 8 Magic Points: 11 Base SR: 2 Armor: 7 points of metallic hide. Skills: Dodge 35%, Smell Foodstuff 160%. Magic: A gobbler can eat near-limitless quantities of its designated substance. Sometimes gobblers receive enchantments or long duration sorcery spells from the dwarfs.Weapon % 55 Damage 1d4+2d6 SR 5/8 Note: A gobbler attacks four times each round, with both upper arms on its initial SR and both lower paws 3 strike ranks later. Add +1% to its Paw attack skill for each ENC of the target substance eaten. For every 10 ENC of the target substance eaten, add +1 to one characteristic chosen by the dwarfs when the gobbler was programmed
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Starmongers Guild
The Starmongers Guild is the closest thing to an operational magic-user's organization in the Kingdom of Drazbin. The main guildhouse is in the city of Yowat, but there's also a large contingent in Dillhonker. The original point of the organization was to provide solidarity for astrologers and soothsayers during a royal crackdown on fake fortune tellers, but all practitioners of the arcane sciences are now welcome. The usual route to membership is to apprentice under a master for several years but adventurers can skip that nonsense and join for a mere 1,000gp donation and a successful Charisma check (the fee is non-refundable). Membership provides the following benefits:
- Membership is a legal defense against accusations of witchcraft (but not Black Magic) wherever Royal law applies.
- The right to participate in the parades and festivities of the order. This means anytime you carouse in a town with a guildhouse there's a 1 in 6 chance the XP gain is doubled.
Every time you level up after joining, you receive an additional benefit if you can roll OVER your level on 1d12. If this roll is successful, throw 1d6 on the chart below:The Dillhonker Tarot has 99 cards.
- Gain basic proficiency in astrology. (If re-rolled on a later level, you get nothing.)
- Gain the alchemical knowledge needed to brew 1d3 different random potions.
- Gain the ability to Read the Cards once per day, which works like the spell Augury (if re-rolled, gain an additional usage per day).
- Gain a random MU spell.
- Gain knowledge of an ancient language.
- Gain all the mental abilities of an Arduin Psychic equal to your level. (If rolled again, you lose these benefits. They can be regained later.)
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Broodmother is back!
Monday, July 31, 2023
Dude! Northumbrian Tinsoldier!!
In a great reply to my quickie humanoid post commenter 1d30 mentions that Northumbrian Tinsoldier carries a line of goblins in the vein of the muppets from Labyrinth. And he ain't kidding. Check out these great gobbos:
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Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Saturday, July 08, 2023
lotsa different humanoids
If you are going to use all the standard D&D races, you need a quick handle on how each of them behave. If you can't makes these sorts of distinctions, they become blurred into different hit dice versions of Generic Foe. Here are my usual elevator-pitches for them:
Kobolds - like the Gremlins in the movies
Goblins - everything you hate about middle class existence
Orcs - blue collar working stiffs, part Homer Simpson, part Archie Bunker
Hobgoblins - the goddamn Nazis
Gnolls - evil frat boys variously chilling on spring break or rioting after their team wins the championship
Bugbears - sadistic cannibalistic Bigfoot
Ogres - Sweetums from the Muppet Show
Sunday, June 25, 2023
mini-review: White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game
Since this is an old school D&D type game (If you don't know what that means, good luck reading the entire blog archive.), I will only hit a few rules points for those of us who are really finicky about these things:
- Stats are -1 for 6 or less, +1 for 15 or more.
- Hit dice are d6. Fighters start at 1+1.
- Single saving throw
- Four classes but thieves are listed as optional.
- All class charts go to level 10 except MU which goes to 12.
- 'Thievery' is a skill that covers all thief stuff except backstab. You start at 2 in 6 with it. It goes to 3 in 6 at level 4.
- Four races. Per OD&D elves switch between fighter and MU.
- Both ascending and descending AC is supported.
- Weapons generally do d6. Two-handers do d6+1.
- The spell lists are unnumbered. I hate that.
- Monster list is a bunch of old standbys but also includes Death Knight, 4 demons (balor, imp, succubus, lemure), and a neat little take on the Sidhe.
- The magic item section is pretty nicely fleshed out.
- There are some nice little jousting rules.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Friday, May 26, 2023
Venger Con is a thing that is happening again.
Venger Satanis is having his own convention again, in Madison, Wisconsin on July 21-23. The funny thing is, I will be driving through Madison on the 22nd, but I don't have time to stop to play anything.
(Of course, I might not find it to my taste if I did stop, as it is advertised as "non-woke." I don't consider myself woke, but I rarely find myself on the same page as folks who get themselves worked up about "the wokes".)
Saturday, May 20, 2023
two new Heroforge characters
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Please do not invade his section of the dungeon until Undead Steve has had his morning coffee. |
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Stanky the Elf has all 8s for stats, a magic wand, and terrible fashion sense. |
Thursday, May 18, 2023
an unexpected synthetic deity
So I just finished the English translation Konrad Schmid's Genesis and the Moses Story. I give it a strong recommendation to anyone who would see 6 untranslated ancient Hebrew words and 5 footnotes on page frickin' 1 and go "that's my idea of a good time." Not much of it is gameable unless your game is set somewhere between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. But the section on Hellenic reception of the Pentateuch had some nifty stuff about Moses and Abraham being identified by Greek scholars as wizard guys. Here's my favorite bit game-wise:
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023
problematic critique
James removed the identifying information when he posted this tweet thread to facebook. A tweet is a public statement, so I don't see any reason to do that.
Even when I am not a fan of the work itself, I have nothing but admiration for people who try to make a go in the RPG industry. You really have to bust ass pushing the boulder uphill to pay the bills. That's why I find it problematic as fuck that a small game company (it's just two people, as far as I can tell) would decide after the fact to rob a freelancer of the credit they are due. It seems like the message that sends to future freelancers is that Leyline are willing to do the same if, at some point, the publisher decides that they don't like you. I dunno, maybe I'm being a crazy lefty worried about the rights of a worker in the face of corporate ownership.
"Corporate ownership" is a harsh term for a two-person garage band of a game company, but I stand by it. After all, they could have dropped the editor without pushing them into the Leyline Press memory hole. They could have stood by them and said "Hey, freelancing is hard and you got to take work where you can get it sometimes." Or they could have said, "We know our editor has some fucked up stuff in their credits. We know they have a gig with that bastard James Raggi right now. Some cowards and cheapskates are urging us to drop our editor like a hot potato. But we can do better. We've decided to help them shake off these bad gigs by hiring them full time/throwing more work their way/paying a better rate. That's how you improve the RPG scene, by investing in better outcomes." Instead, they chose the Hasbro Wizards option.
The first tweet of the thread is a fascinating artifact, by the way. If I was teaching a composition class right now I would build a lesson around it. Why the choice of the preposition "on," for starters? What does it mean to work on LotFP as opposed to for or with? Is this word choice the result of a clumsy attempt to come in under the character limit, or is something else going on here? Does Leyline Press even know what a Lamentations of the Flame Princess is? Hard to tell with that "on" in play. Maybe they are just replicating the rumor mill at several removes from anyone who has actually read any of LotFP's output.
Furthermore, it's a sly rhetorical trick to not explain what is wrong with LotFP but to immediately juxtapose it with "other problematic works that have received widespread critique for bigoted and other harmful issues." This creates an association between the two in the audience's mind, whether true or not. This is one of the tricks that venues like Fox News use to convince folks that mainstream democrats like Joe Biden are pinko commies. So, well played. I guess.
While I've got my teaching hat on, I would deducts points from this piece for its reliance on the term problematic. Better yet, I'd send it back for revision. Here's my comment from James's facebook post:
I regret the day problematic escaped out of academic discourse and into the wild. In grad school problematic meant "hey, this looks kinda fucked up, so we should slow down and pay attention to it and figure out what it means." Nobody slows down on the internet. Nobody tries to understand.
The way problematic is used in public now seems to be "this is fucked up and I am running away from it." Which is fine, I guess. Language changes over time. But it seems to me that what liberals have achieved with problematic is the same sort of politically self-serving bastardization that the right has applied to the term "woke."
And this is going out on a limb, since I don't really know what the "other problematic works" are, but I will hazard a guess that they have sustained criticism but not much in the way of actual critique. Criticism is about the critic's agenda. "The magic deer in Blue Rose promotes the fantasy that authoritarianism can work and is therefore bad" is a criticism based upon my personal politics. Critique is based upon the creator's agenda. "Broodmother Skyfortress lacks an extended example of how to apply the various re-skinnings offered as options, and thus fails its avowed project as an introductory module" would be a critique.
Finally, can I just say that I find it problematic (in the academic sense) that the Leyline Press blog contains a fic with openly stated themes of "grotesque body horror, torture, dehumanization, bestiality, pregnancy, sexual situations, and non-consent?" Can we talk about that? It feeds into my (admittedly paranoid) theory that liberals believe that you can create any kind of fucked up art that you want, so long as you are willing to make your own personal identity as a victim part of your artistic persona. If James wrote and published the exact same text, would he be put on blast? I suspect so.
Anyway, the LotFP sale is still a thing. There's never been a cheaper time to form your own opinion about what Raggi chooses to publish.
RPG Editor Gets Canceled for LotFP Affiliation - James Raggi Responds
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Big LotFP PDF sale
Some dipshit from some game company I never heard of was talking smack about Lamentations of the Flame Princess, so James did what James does in these circumstances: he sells more stuff. From now through the 16th, every LotFP title is only $1.25 on DriveThru. If you don't already own a copy of my award-winning adventure Broodmother Skyfortress, there's no better time than now to buy one.
Friday, May 05, 2023
"I can't tell"
One of the greatest compliments a player can give me as a DM is to express confusion of a sort.
Like the session where the party encountered a dungeon room that was a 1970's office full of clerks and secretaries and middle management types, except they were all bugbears. Zak said something like "I can't tell if this originally appeared in the crappy old module or if it is something Jeff added for his own amusement." I'll take credit for the suit-and-tie clad boss bugbear's two-handed sword +1 bearing runes in Old Bugbearese that spell out 'complaint department', but as for the rest? I'll never tell.
Or this week when Bec's PC saw "a crow or something" fly away from the old abandoned church. She was stumped. "I can't tell if that is integral to the plot or if you just made that detail up."
I suspect that the ability to seemlessly move between the module's nonsense and my own personal nonsense is the result of two tendencies:
- I try to never read aloud from the module. Okay, sometimes I'll read the boxed text that sets up the adventure. And occasionally I will read from the module for comedic effect, such as if it is really poorly written. (Example: I will read aloud dumb mistakes like "32. This chamber is 40' in diameter and perfectly circular, with a chest in the northwest corner.") In general, I'd rather restate the module info in my own words and, if I get things wrong, make my misstatement the reality of the gameworld, then take the words on the page too seriously.
- I don't take my embellishments to the module that seriously either.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
this actual play is nuts
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
a typical spellbook from the Dillhonker City campaign
Title(s): Grimoire of Par Kaar, The Blue Book of Waaz
Language(s): Demonic, with some marginalia in Smadj
Period: The chaotic days of the Wizards of Old.
Author: The obscure wizard Par Kaar, with some additions by an unnamed apprentice of his and margin notes by a later hand but in the ancient hieroglyphs of a nearly-forgotten language.
Blasphemy: The world is a bit like a planetary turducken, with a second, smaller world inside it, and a third, even smaller world insider that one.
- Magic Aura (reversible) (standard LotFP version)
- Slivers of Stone (Invocation/Evocation) (Great Net Spellbook, sixth edition)
Range: 30 yards + 10 yards per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Peter Gourlay <>
This spell creates a stream of sharp stone shards that unerringly hit their target. The stones inflict 1d4 + 1 points of damage. For every three levels gained, the wizard inflicts another 1d4 + 1 points of damage. This spell is the earth elementalist version of the magic missile spell, and protections against that spell are also useful against Slivers of Stone. Slivers of stone has the same limitations as magic missile. The material component of this spell is a handful of stones, which must be thrown at the target.
- Par-Kher’s Pain Blast (Arduin Grimoire III)
Level: 4th Area Effected: 30' diameter. Number Effected : All within 30' diameter. Effects: Blast of sheer pain. All within go insane with pain for the number of turns less than 20th level they are. Range: 120 feet. Save negates.
- Animate Dead (standard LotFP version)
Note 1: The spell name and the title of the book have different spellings of the relevant wizard's name. Par Kaar/Par-Kher is inconsistent in his spelling practices in general.
Note 2: There may have been more spells in this spellbook at one time, but the last 33 pages have been scribbled over by either a mad man or a really determined toddler. Nothing can be gleamed of the secrets written on these defaced leaves.
Monday, April 17, 2023
There's an Ian Fleming quote
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Jordan rules
Forest: One of my younger players changed his name after the group lost three PCs to the Sky King.
Image from another discord shows user name Jordan (Fuck You Jeff Rients).
2 laughing so hard I'm crying emojis.
That Dark Sky: In the nice way?
Forest: Just salty lol
Spider Minstrel: What, only three?]
This is the first actual play report I have seen of the Sky King being awakened, so bravo to Jordan and his group.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
a step closer to my grand vision
Gameblog-O-Rama 3
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Far Afield in Search of Riches -- A Merchant Generator - Trade is the lifeblood of civilization. Almost no community is capable of being fully self-sufficient. Aside from mere survival, even the most me...
Another TCTC Con... - Last weekend I was at Terminal City convention, hosting some Lamentations of the Flame Princess games. Tried out Becami's adventure, The Black Chamber, ...
20 questions with the Chubby Funster - Hello Dear Readers! It has been a while since I’ve done a 20-question post. I like to get to know people in the industry, and there are a few creators who ...
are you still in love with the thrill of the live music experience? a Troika zine review - (there's an audio recording of myself reading this post on my substack) Gremlin Energy Drink now sponsors this blog. Meaningful days are built around con...
Internationally Acclaimed Author Lydia Davis Discussing The RPG Community Specifically - Lydia Davis may be a name unfamiliar to gamers but she is no slouch. She got a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, won an American Academy of Arts and Lette...
Fight On! #16 (which has Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men) - A Dog-Faced Man A Dungeon I made, Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men, is in Fight On! #16 Fight On! #16 HERE Here's some unused art for the people who wan...
ShadowDark of Strahd - Game 2 - If you're new to this series about running Curse of Strahd as a sandbox for ShadowDark, there have been a few other posts (here). The previous post rela...
Appendix Probi of the OSSR - Sandbox, not Any Box Roll Tables, not Story Beats Rumors, not Hooks Character Progression, not Character Development Scenario Generation, not Plot W...
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BRP Basic Roleplaying Allegiance System for the Gods of The Kingdoms of Kalamar - Hello again folks, Here is what I came up with for a Basic Roleplaying style Allegiance system for the gods in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. I have...
Imperium Maledictum Session 0 - Warhammer 40,000: Imperium Maledictum is the new Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game from Cubicle7. Unlike Cubicle7’s other Warhammer 40,000 RPG, Wrath & Glo...
OBSCURE RPG – Free A4 character sheet - I recently made an A4 character sheet for the OBSCURE roleplaying game by Tommy Sunzenauer. If you feel like using it – download it here for free. What i...
The Weird Crushers that will Accompany the Imminent Releases! - The next upcoming LotFP releases will be delivered from the printer THIS WEEK! Leading up to the big new releases... here are the FIVE new Weird Crusher...
The Time Bandits - Six boisterous dwarves, who, until recently, were employed by the *Supreme Being* to fix holes in the space-time continuum. Then they had a brainstorm: W...
cryptid in july poetry day 09, the enfield horror - a poem about the enfield horror I’m an armpit leaping around the woods on three legs waiting for police to arrest me I’m the living embodiment of cough...
Übersiedelt - Dieser Blog ist Anfang des Jahres 2022 übersiedelt. Am Blog von schreibe ich weiterhin über Historisches und Aktuelles rund ums Rollenspiel.
In Defense of Race As Class - Race As Class! Baffling to some, overly simplistic to others, gold to me. Race As Class does what even AD&D didn't have the balls to do: it not only says "...
A Fresh Start - Morning Folks I came across someone's blog the other day and I liked it's focus, focus is something I could use so I'm going to steal it along with anyt...
In Search of OD&D Part 3: The Northern Shores of Tamerthya - In part 1 and part 2 of this search for OD&D, I asked the question: does my old friend Mike McDowell's 1992 game style, the one that has for years haunted ...
Vengeful Cuckold and Cuckquean Generator - I submitted a table I made to Jeff Rients for his awesome Flame Princess Cult Zine. I have already used it in several ways during games and have enjoye...
REVIEW – Fish Fuckers - Fish Fuckers is a Lamentations of the Flame Princess Adventure with Text and Art by Kelvin Green, Graphic Design by Alex Mayo, and Editing by Jarrett Crade...
eXPerience - The following are some alternative ways I want to try out in my home LotFP game. I already use Session Attendance & Carousing but I want to try the othe...
La torre del Necromante (Sessione 5 - ToEE) - *La quinta sessione, dove i nostri si avventurano a Nord alla ricerca di un luogo pericoloso...* *T1-4 Il tempio del male elementale* *Personaggi* *g...
How to read (and understand) Silent Titans - Originally published on Reddit. (Updated on 03/02/25; see at the bottom) Yes, Patrick Stuart writes great books that require an extra effort from the refer...
Loin de Tsarna - J'ai commencé à écrire l'article suivant en décembre 2018. On va essayer d'accélérer un peu le rythme... Splendidement isolée au milieu de la steppe et ...
Knights and their Towers - Knight's towers were fortified self-standing buildings, several-stories high, most often erected on a plan similar to a square. They contained both livi...
My 30 Day World - Who Is The Most Nefarious Villain In Your World? - I'm participating in the #My30DayWorld exercise partially because I want to see how fleshed out my world of Khardtha actually is, and also to see what I ca...
Two Thieves - Jeff Easley's BECMI Thief I’ve recently decided to run an OD&D game. This, of course, brings with it the age-old question of which version of OD&D (3LBBs...
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Folk Horror Wyrdness in Traditional Low Fantasy - My Dreadful Ghoulies, I think it started when I read an old blog post from Dreams in the Lich House where John was combining Oerth with darker influence...
One page dungeon contest! - The one page dungeon contest's deadline is coming up on May 1st and I am currently finishing up my rough draft and sketches on mine. It's my first time giv...
New adventure - Finally got around to uploading a new adventure. You can find it under the adventures tab or just jump right to it from the link below. The adventure is...
Dark Sun for Lamentations of the Flame Princess - The wife and I have been hard at work preparing Dark Sun for Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Whilst we didn't manage to complete this one over the we...
Reckoning World version 2.4 is here ! Big changes ! - Hi everyone ! With each iteration it seems like the game is slowly teaching me how I should design it. … Continue reading →
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Please Update Your Link!6 years ago
The Ergonomic 3 Mile Hex6 years ago
Regarding ACKS and Autarch LLC7 years ago
Adventure Lookup7 years ago
Strange Romance vol 27 years ago
Wood Working Shows7 years ago
It's hard to do horror in D&D7 years ago
The Sprawl RPG, Episode 17 years ago
Modern Kitchen cabinet styles8 years ago
Plovoucí podlahy8 years ago
Vikings on my Mind8 years ago
Dog Food Coupons and Promo Codes8 years ago
Please Subscribe to New Feed8 years ago
[map] The Village of Meerfeld9 years ago
Eureka! Password Recovered9 years ago
Another d66 Item Chart9 years ago
The Gateway9 years ago
In Memory of Steve9 years ago
Picking Up Where I Left Off9 years ago
The Truth About Lies (2015)9 years ago
Meditating upon the Blue Star9 years ago
business at home10 years ago
Fin. With an update10 years ago
Deep Carbon Observatory: The Flooded Land10 years ago
Exploring the BigDungeon10 years ago
Consolidating10 years ago
Point Buy Calculator for D&D Next (5e)10 years ago
The Dungeon Dozen11 years ago
My FIVE favourite house rules11 years ago
Still alive and more useless crap11 years ago
Navel gaze wife post11 years ago
BTW, I have an art blog11 years ago
Bardic Songcasting11 years ago
It's been a long time...12 years ago
Прощайте, товарищи!12 years ago
Big News.12 years ago
Restored House in Provence12 years ago
Gamma Red Death World12 years ago
Uppdatering12 years ago
Unimportant update12 years ago
Touchdown12 years ago
Androids and Robots of Zaoth13 years ago
I aten't dead13 years ago
Tomb of Horrors Rocks!13 years ago
Pre-Painted Arkham Horror Minis13 years ago
Closing Today13 years ago
Closed13 years ago
eiglophian13 years ago
From the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: 115413 years ago
Wow...Summer has sucked! :)13 years ago
News of the Weird (lands)13 years ago
Games last night on google+13 years ago
Dungeon Magazine Indexes14 years ago
First14 years ago
You appear to be lost…14 years ago
Launching a New Fanzine!14 years ago
Gamicon is Coming!14 years ago
New Blog14 years ago
Back to the sword!14 years ago
Piece of Cake: Cthulhu Bits14 years ago
The Miscellaneum of Cinder14 years ago
House Rule: Rest and Recovery14 years ago
4e powers are nice but...14 years ago
Homemade Hobbit Hole14 years ago
Our debt to the Wizard of Chicago14 years ago
Gaming with my girlfriend14 years ago
Book Review: Free15 years ago
This blog has moved15 years ago
The Adventure So Far15 years ago
Monsters: Bloodscales15 years ago
Young NaNo of the Writers Workshop15 years ago
Hexes of the Iridium Plateau Completed15 years ago
More Dreaming Games15 years ago
4315 years ago
Setting Material15 years ago
Teleport Without Error15 years ago
Blog-O-Rama 2: Electric Bugaloo
Articulations2 months ago
Greyhame Game Expedition 866 years ago
Not dead, cont.6 years ago
Dynamic Grappling9 years ago
Weird Camelot Campaign - Sessions 1-39 years ago
Giant squid + giant squid9 years ago
Another Prize Draw11 years ago
Jason Brody’s Lethal Efficiency12 years ago
Hrrmph12 years ago