"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."
Trench Crusade Warband: Sisters of the Sable Geisslerlieder
So I have become absolutely *fixated* upon Trench Crusade. Maybe it is
the aesthetics, maybe it is the fact that I'm a huge WWI fan (Second Yrpes
An honest man would realise that libel shopping around the world to find jurisdictions you can use your trustfund to browbeat people who can't afford the expensive legal action there into making boilerplate apologies is not in fact a refutation of the facts.
ReplyDelete1. An honest man would has some proof about the existence of a "trustfund". Do you have any?
Delete2. An honest man would consider that if, for example, Ettin could crowdfund the money to pay the money that the court required him to pay, he could also crowdfund the money for legal expensive legal action, and wouldn't lie about it.
3. An honest man would consider that Vivka Grey, according to her own words, earns thousands of dollars monthly, and wouldn't lie about her being unable to afford expensive legal action.
4. An honest man would realise that being unable to find any proof of one's claims for years means that what one calls "facts" are just that - unproven claims. And there's a difference.
5. An honest man shouldn't lie anonymously, online or offline.
Delete-I don't have a trustfund.
-I sued successfully in New Zealand, Australia and the US because that's where my abusers lived.
-The other side spent well over half a million dollars collectively against me, and I beat them while I was evicted and on food stamps.
-You couldn't name a damning "fact" about me to save your life.
"And four times, mister Bond, is the Law".
ReplyDeleteYou know, when I take the time to talk shit about someone, I sign my name to it like a grown up. And anyone who pays the least bit attention to how libel works on an international level knows that the UK is considered the place to go. Here's on example: https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2015/03/21/394273902/on-libel-and-the-law-u-s-and-u-k-go-separate-ways
ReplyDeleteAmazing that you'd call two settlements (which don't actually indicate truth or falsehood) in countries that infamously favor the plaintiff, and a case where Zak had 6 of 7 statements against him ruled true, as 'wins', but I guess carrying water for a court-confirmed rapist for this long tends to warp your perspective.
ReplyDeleteYou're lying, and it's not even amazing, because who wouldn't expect an anonymous commenter to lie?
DeleteZak didn't "have 6 of 7 statements ruled true". If that was so, Vivka would've won in court. And she didn't.
If you have any proof of "court-confirmed rapist", show it now and stop lying. Or just stop lying, because if there was any proof, it would've been presented by now, and Cam Banks wouldn't have to apologize.
Delete"Given the abundance of testimony noted above on this point, which the Court credits, the Court finds that Grey has demonstrated that Statement Two and all of its subparts are true."
"Grey has demonstrated that Statement Three is true."
"Grey has demonstrated that Statement Four is true."
"Grey has demonstrated that Statement Five is true."
"Grey has demonstrated that Statement Six is true."
"Grey has demonstrated that Statement Seven is true."
That's the Superior Court of LA County talking, right there. And if you look at the statements ruled true, there's more then enough proof that Zak is a rapist.
Quoting from the Superior Court of LA Country talking, right there.
Delete"In particular, Grey's Facebook post contains eight fabricated allegations:"
(Don't know why would you talk about 6 out of 7 statements while there were 8, but it is not important)
"These statements are FALSE (my caps) in that Grey's romantic involvement and intimate encounters with Smith were ALWAYS ENTIRELY CONSENSUAL (my caps again)".
Which proves three things.
1) Zak is not a rapist, because entirely consensual is the literal opposite of rape;
2) Vivka Grey's statements were not ruled true, because false is the opposite of true;
3) You're lying. And you should stop lying.
The court discarded statement 8 and did not specifically rule on the truth or falsity thereof.
DeleteAnd the line you're quoting is from the document restating Zak's complaint, not the court finding the statements to be false. So who's lying now?
Here, I even went ahead and did the work to demonstrate your lies.
@anon If someone settles, apologizes, and pays the other person, that means the other person won. I also won in the cases that went to court (most cases don't go to court). Here's the proof I won, along with the proof you lied about all that other shit, including direct screenshots of the judgments: https://dndwithpornstars.blogspot.com/2023/04/ask-them-why.html
DeleteI did the work to demonstrate the anonymous's lies in comments below. As for my mistake: yes, I saw the allegations page and mistook it for the court's decision.
DeleteStill: there is no proof of Zak being a rapist, specifically, there's no proof of that in the court decision in the case of Zak against Vivka.
And in order for me to have been found guilty of a criminal act, I'd have to go to -criminal court- and I have not, I have not been charged, and charges have never been filed. Or, as one lawyer put it "Careful, allegations of rape fall under criminal law in the US . Barring a criminal law finding of guilt, you are absolutely engaging in "unequivocal" libel by posting legal falsehoods."
DeleteA 16-minute rambling video from a rapist isn't proof of anything. You won because 1 statement was declared to be false, while 6 more were declared to be true, most of which involved you forcing Vivka into sex. You're a rapist, just not a convicted one.
DeleteA three-line rambling text from an anonymous liar definitely isn't proof of anything. Show proof or stop lying.
DeleteLol. Anon proves the lies, in black and white from a court, with a big red arrow to indicate the attempted misdirection.... Aaand the goalposts promptly shift to this other strawman over here!
Delete1. Anonymous lied about "court-confirmed rapist". If you have "proof in black and white from a court", show it. If you don't, stop lying.
2. If by "big red arrow" you mean that I mistook the part of the document with allegations for the court decision, yeah, I made that mistake. Explain how it is "misdirection". Take a look at my comments below with quotes on every statement and the court decision, too, and explain how this is misdirection.
Yeah, that's from the allegations part. It is from the document that you refer to as "Superior Court of LA Country talking, right there", but I agree it's not proof by itself. My mistake.
ReplyDeleteNow, for the actual proof, statement by statement.
Statement 1: "Statement is not substantially true", which you don't argue with.
Statement 2: "Smith expected Grey to "be at his beck and call for sex, at any time with any service".
"Grey did not assert in her Facebook Post that she acceded without fail to each and every one of Smith's demands for sex or that she always made herself available for sex with Smith. Statement Two centered on *Smith's expectations* - not Grey's reaction to his expectations and demands".
So: Zak wanted to have sex with Vivka. It DOES NOT equal rape. Expectations DO NOT equal rape. So far no proof of rape that you speak of.
Statement Three. Vivka claims that she didn't like sex toys and Zak told her "You just don't know how to use them" and gave her nonverbal cues to use toys and specific poses in sex. Suggesting to use sex toys and try specific poses and telling someone that you don't know how to use sex toys DOES NOT equal rape. Still no proof that you speak of.
Statement Four. "[...] the context of Statement Four makes clear that Grey was describing what initially started as a joke that Smith repeatedly made. Even when the joke no longer felt like a joke to Grey, Statement Four makes clear that Smith "still would laugh while saying it". And: "Smith also testified at trial that he would have ended any relationship, including his relationship with Grey, if she ceased to desire to have sex with Smith".
Telling jokes that people dislike DOES NOT equal rape. Ending a relationship in which the woman doesn't want to have sex DOES NOT equal rape and, frankly, is more like the opposite of it. Still no proof that you promised. Hurmm.
Continued in next comment.
Statement Five. "Both Grey and Nagy testified credibly that at times Grey would express that she was in pain during intercourse, and Smith's response was to tell Grey to loosen up or to give Grey a pillow and tell Grey to bite the pillow".
DeletePainful sex DOES NOT equal rape. Rape can happen without physical pain, and consentual sex can be painful. Vivka didn't claim that it was non-consentual. Still no proof of rape, and we're getting close to the end.
Statement Six. "[...] Grey's post used the word "pressured", which is reasonably construed as an inherently subjective term, i. e., whether Grey *felt* "pressured to have sex with other people of his choosing". Further, Statement Six does not encompass any statement that Grey actually had sex with other people of Smith's choosing - only that Grey was pressured to have sex with others".
Again: Zak didn't force Vivka to have sex, Zak didn't coerce her, she claimed that she "felt pressured". Which, again, DOES NOT equal rape.
And second part of Statement Six is that Vivka was not allowed to have sex with other people of her choice while she was living with Zak and Mandy. Once again, this DOES NOT equal rape.
Only one statement to go. Maybe there's some proof that you promised about that one.
Statement Seven. "For my birthday, he bought me my first breast implants. I wanted bigger breasts, so that was a positive, but the months of him telling me how 'unfortunate' and 'pointless' my natural body happened to be was not".
Calling a woman's body unfortunate and pointless DOES NOT equal rape. And paying for the breast implants that a woman wanted to have obviously DOES NOT equal rape (also, the money for Vivka's implants came from Zak and Mandy's joint account - both Zak and Mandy state that it was Mandy's idea. Still not rape).
Moving on. Vivka claimed that Zak had made 13 statements that were libelous. To which the Superior Court of LA Country talking, right there, answers: "The following statements in Smith's February 13, 2019 blog are true: [Statement 2-09 b and Statement 2-18a]", "Statement 2-70 cannot be reasonably understood as declaring or implying actual facts capable of being proven true or false", and the rest "do not qualify as libel".
And now for the best part.
Having carried his burden of proof on his complaint, Zachary Smith is entitled to entry of judgement in his favor against Grey as to single cause of action of Smith's Complaint in the amount of $1 of nominal damages and costs per memorandum of costs". Which means that Vivka had to pay a large sum of court fees, as the judgement was in Zak's favor.
"Vivka Grey having failed to carry her burden of proof on her complaint, judgement shall be entered in favor of defendant Zachary Smith and against Vivka Grey as to the single cause of action of Grey's complaint". Which means Zak does not have to pay anything to Vivka, as the judgement was in Zak's favor.
I'll sum it up shortly in the next comment.
So, briefly, what happened:
DeleteThe court did recognize six of Vivka's statements made in her Facebook posts as true and NONE OF THEM CLAIMED THAT HAD ZAK FORCED HER. They were about the way she felt, which is subjective, about what Zak expected, about who wanted to have sex with whom, Zak's voiced opinion about female bodies, Zak's jokes and how they felt to Vivka and painful sex. NONE of which concerned rape. More details in the previous comments.
The court did recognize Vivka's actions as libel.
The court did not recognize any of Zak's statements about Vivka as libel.
Vivka presented NO PROOF of Zak being a rapist.
Anonymous people should stop lying.
I'm done.
'Not libel' isn't the same thing as 'true'. The court specifically said they found all of Zak's statements to be false. And only 1 of Vivka's statements was found to be false, because the court was relying on a definition of 'forced' to be strictly physical force. So the only thing the court says Vivka was libelous about was the circumstances leading her to move in with Zak. That doesn't discredit anything else she said.
DeleteSo, briefly, you and Zak and the rest of his cronies keep trying to conflate the court finding one statement out of 7 to be false with the court throwing out her arguments entirely, because you're desperate for people to not understand that Zak is a rapist and an abuser.
You're lying again. The court specifically said: "The following statements in Smith's February 13, 2019 blog are true: [Statement 2-09 b and Statement 2-18a]".
DeleteYou're lying again. "Anything else that Vivka said" doesn't state that Zak did anything wrong, so there's no need for it to be "discredited".
And you're lying again, because you promised "proof of rape" and YOU PROVIDED NONE.
Either show the proof of your accusations, or shut up and stop lying.
And, once again - you should just stop lying, because you don't have any proof. Because there is none. Because Zak is not a rapist. Which is why you hide behind "anonymous", because a) cowardice and b) accusing someone of rape is under criminal law in USA. And you don't want to pay for your crime.
Zak is a rapist. I know this because his victims have come forward and said so. I know this because the court has confirmed Vivka's claims of being coerced into sex as true. None of this is lies. I've said this before, I've said this on other platforms, and I'll keep saying it. Zak S is a rapist, an abuser, and a harasser, and the community is better off without him in it.
DeleteAnd for someone who's so worried about lying, you sure didn't hesitate to lie about why you left the RPG reddit in a huff.
In case someone wants to know - the mods at RPG subreddit tempbanned me for a mock review of a nonexisting RPG module. I still think it was hilarious.
Ah, more lies. You weren't even tempbanned, they just deleted your post because you were deliberately flaunting the 'no Zak S' rule they'd just instituted. Then, of course, you turned around and said you had no idea why they did it.
DeleteSee, I bring this up because it's something that you and Zak S have in common. You both cry about other people lying a lot, but then you turn around and lie without hesitation. You're doing it with the reddit incident, Zak has done it so many times. Like the time he made the fake Shannon Appelcline reddit account to post in his defense, screwed up and posted something under the wrong account, deleted and tried to pretend nothing happened, and then when it turned out people had screenshots, swore it was 'a roommate using my pc'.
And, of course, you both lie every time you get on the internet and say Zak S isn't a rapist, an abuser, and a harasser. Because he is all of these things. The entire hobby knows it. The entire hobby will never forget it, no matter how hard he tries to silence the truth with frivolous lawsuits.
And yet, here you are. Lying.
And once again you catch yourself lying.
DeleteHere's proof that I was tempbanned. And you're lying about "they just deleted your post".
And I never said "I had no idea why they did it". If I did, show proof.
And you're lying about Zak "making the fake Shannon Appelcline account". If Zak ever tried to pose as Shannon Appelcline, show proof.
And you're lying about yourself being "the entire hobby". You're not. You're a single, cowardly, evil, anonymous liar who's afraid to show their name or face while posting lies. And people in the hobby know that Zak is innocent. Jeff Rients is a more important part of the hobby than a single, cowardly, evil, anonymous liar, which anyone can see just by reading a single page from BROODMOTHER SKYFORTRESS or a single post from Jeff's blog - and comparing to, well, nothing from you. Kimberly Kane and Charlotte Stokely are a more important part of the hobby than a single, cowardly, evil, anonymous liar because they're cool people and it's fun to play D&D with them - and they're not afraid to tell the truth in court. And you're even afraid to name yourself in the blog comments.
And here's my prediction - you will not show any proof. You will not show any proof of Zak committing any crimes.
And you will keep posting lies hiding under your "anonymous" mask. Because you are a liar and a coward.
Prove me wrong.
DeleteThere you go. You're wrong, and your weird, endless ranting isn't going to change the fact that Zak S is a rapist, an abuser, and a liar. You and the rest of Zak's little hate brigade can continue to alienate yourself from the greater hobby as you huddle around Zak's mountain of lies all you want, but you can't change the truth that everyone in the hobby knows: Zak S is a rapist, an abuser, and a liar.
This has been a fun little distraction for a slow work day, but really this is just one Zak fanboy spewing lies on the blog of another Zak fanboy spewing lies, and it's boring. I'm gonna go participate in the actual RPG community. You know, the one that rapist, abuser, and harasser Zak S has gotten himself banned from? Good times.
You showed a screencap of a post from an account that wasn't trying to impersonate Shannon Appelcline.
DeleteYou showed no proof of Zak impersonating anyone. You showed no proof of me claiming that I didn't know why my post was deleted. You showed no proof of Zak lying about anything or doing any wrong. And, of course, you keep hiding as a lying coward that you are, running with your tail in the corresponding crevice.
As expected. Because it's impossible to provide proof of something that never happened, and because cowards and liars are what they are.
Just popping in to say I can go to gen con any time i want
DeleteNice comparison dipshit. Anyway I'm gonna go to Gen Con this year, play games, talk to RPG luminaries, be happy....
DeleteIt's so strange that you think that, to your victim, not being able to hang out with my abusers is something to taunt me with.
DeleteYou guys smeared an innocent person on the internet. That's a disturbing thing.
If a game convention is the highlight of your year: I pity you. Or I would have, before you proved you were a fascist.
Okay. And Ettin, Vivka Grey, and Cam Banks thought they can spread lies on the Internet any time they wanted. Turns out they were wrong.
DeleteCalling me a fascist doesn't change the fact that I can go to any gaming convention and publish on any platform I want! Call me a fascist all you want, its a lie regardless. You are a liar, Zak.
Deleteto repeat:
"It's so strange that you think that, to your victim, not being able to hang out with my abusers is something to taunt me with.
You guys smeared an innocent person on the internet. That's a disturbing thing.
If a game convention is the highlight of your year: I pity you. Or I would have, before you proved you were a fascist."
nah zak i wasnt involved in any of that retardo drama you dumb slut, we literally had a minor disagreement about initiative and because I didnt agree with you you blocked me. i have always thought you were a fucking idiot. I literally said out loud "this retard is going to destroy himself" and I was right. i dont have twitter, facebook, nothing. Dont need it.
DeleteAnd I still go to Gen Con
DeleteYou are -currently- involved in drama. You are name-calling a stranger for no reason on the internet, which means you're harassing someone _right now_ .
If you are claiming I banned with you _because of a minor disagreement about initiative_ then post that interaction. Post a link to it or a screenshot of it.
You won't--because you are a liar and an abuser. You don't do what honest people do--you don't back up your claims.
The diminished cult of Zak is weak everywhere but here.
ReplyDelete"Weak" "Strong" --this is how fascists talk, as if might were right. What matter here is true and false. But you don't have anything to say about that.
DeleteYou're just supporting something you dont' even believe in order to fit in with some online community--likely because its the only community you have.
Following the laws and checking facts has nothing to do with "cult". And anonymous liars mean nothing.
DeleteVictimblaming and lying. Notice the swift transition from "Zak throws money at people to make them apologize!" to "It's not the community's fault Zak has no money!"
ReplyDeleteNo suicide has nothing to do with this community it has to do with the concrete harm you and your fellow harassers have done to my life, including the large part of it outside this community.
ReplyDeleteYou smeared an innocent person. You know that.
But the obvious point you're dodging is: you have a social incentive to harass innocent people online and to agree with your fellow internet trolls.
ReplyDeleteI don't. Neither do most people with lives.
You don't want to admit this, which is why you can't explain honestly why you're doing this.
LOUD NOISES !!!!!!1!!
ReplyDeleteI love this blogs by sockp… guys who are totally NOT Zak=k but mention Zak and Zak products like casually and coincidentally -in a totally cool way- like just by chance every second blog post- at least, more like 0.8 Zaks per blog post.
ReplyDeleteBut Hey that’s JUST A COINCIDENCE he’s just a cool guy who likes Zak and defends him on blog comments and posts about Zak and OSR stuff and Zak and Zaks blog posts and about Ukraine stuff and like, Zak and Zak stuff Zak sells bros. It’s cool.
I mean if I was in Ukraine and liked the OSR I’d make some guy from 10 years ago the focus on all my blog posts too! Because Zak. Totally relevant to me right now bros. Just cool stuff for sale and cool games played and cool blog posts (by Zak) for me to talk about.
Like totes NOT a sock puppet. 100% legit. CLEARLY an original human being.
Don’t sue me. I won’t sign the applegravy.
I am extremely angry that one of my few positive comments on my blog was from you.
DeleteYou are harassing people.
You're lying, or spreading misinformation.
How DARE you say that Simon isn't real.
How DARE you discount his experiences.
I don't feel like it it fair to speak for him entirely, but I have to say something, but what I will say comes from the heart.
Library of Ping Feng is one of the locations him and his group love
When I had the chance, I got *my* copy of Vornheim signed with his name, and a copy of MotBM - so when I see him I can give him a copy.
I've been considering the books his because he deserves them and more.
He lives in a place at war right now and still makes the time to do the right thing, unlike you.
He constantly strives to support people, he has been a constantly postive and supportive friend.
Acting like HE ISN'T REAL because you like to tout make-believe hazardous continuous goon lies does nothing but demonstrate your complete ignorance and inability to be compassionate.
Zak is doing some of his best work right now - and no, I don't mean his new books or cube world.
His best work is holding people who are doing or did evil accountable.
Zak is innocent - and people like you trying to dismiss people like me and Simon because you like to lie is disgusting.
Trying to dehumanize us, people who are already talked down to and harassed is cruel and inhuman.
Meh, seems to function an awful lot as convenient exposition on Zaks blog and and only talkin Zak and even admin on how to read Zaks blog without pesky http issues...
DeleteFunnily enough only appears post scandal. With zero other interests- just Zak. Very well balanced don't you think.? I'm sure he's a swell pup.. guy... swell guy and all. But yeah how very DARE I. - well I don't. Why would I DARE to raise such obvious asshattery? Surely no one would bother to DARE? I sure don't dare.
Just posing questions y'know.
Hello I am an "innocent man" spending a fortune to sue multiple, completely unrelated people who one day, for no reason at all, woke up and all of them decided "you know what? let's slander this common acquaintance of ours just for kicks lmao". I have yet to be convicted for the crime of violent rape in a criminal court THAT'S how innocent I am.
ReplyDelete@SApplecider a bunch of people who all participated in the same online hate campaign aren't "unrelated". And, of course everyone is innocent until proven guilty.