Note that several items on this chart assume that your crazy dimension-hopping PC has some undocumented, noncanonical adventures between your known exploits.
Pandimensional Vagabond
01-03 You gain an extra d8 hit die but you must reroll it every time you visit a new campaign world/plane/dimension.
04-05 You gain +3 saves versus any sort of energy attack that isn't one of the four Greek elements (i.e. fire/heat, air/wind, water/cold, or earth). Reroll if you get this result again.
06 You've gotten really good at first aid. If immediately after combat you bind wounds, you can heal d4 damage to a number of people equal to your level.
07-09 You know what surprised you the most about travelling between universes? A whole lot of Creation really stinks. No, literally. You are now +4 saves versus reek attacks like stinking cloud, ghast farts, troglodyte B.O., etc.
10-11 You've been in barroom brawls in all the trashiest universes. You may make 2 unarmed strikes per round for d3 damage each. If you roll a 19+ your foes must save versus paralyzation or be knocked out cold.
12 Seeing how big the universe is tends to make a lot of human conflicts seem petty. You gain +1 Wisdom and your alignment shifts one step closer to true neutrality. You do not lose any class abilities due to this change. If you are already true neutral, you gain +2 Wis.

16-17 You know the basics of piloting/operating some kind of high tech vehicle. You can bank this knowledge until you need it, then announce with a grin "Sure, I know how to fly a T-16 Skyhopper!" or whatever.
19-20 You don't survive the cosmos by paying retail. Once per session you may make a purchase at 75% of list price.
21-23 You've knocked back so many Pangalactic Gargle Blasters in filthy dives across the multiverse that you are now +2 to save versus any ingested poison. Rerolls of this increase the bonus by an additional +2.
24-25 Once per session when you have to make a die roll where only sheer dumb luck is involved (i.e. no modifiers for skill or items or anything else), you may take the better of two rolls.
26 You can see the cracks in the structures of individual universes, allowing you to dimension door once per session.
27-28 Before someone near you does something that will rip a hole in the fabric of reality, you get a Wisdom check to recognize what a Very Bad Idea it is. Reroll if you get this result again.
29-31 You gain a random mutation.
32-33 You seen and done so much, it's getting harder and harder to surprise you. Any time you are surprised for one or more actions, you may make a Wisdom check to avoid one segment of surprise. Reroll if you get this result again.
34 Weird pet: go through some monster book and find a critter (not a person) of hit dice equal to half you level. It cannot be an ordinary earth animal. One such creature is now your special buddy.
35-36 You've bummed around with so many wizards and elfs and whatnot that you've picked up an extra bit of magic. You gain a random MU spell of d6 level as a once per session power, but you have to make an Int roll to cast it successfully. If you roll a 20 it goes hilariously awry.
37-39 Neanderthals and other cave primitives just immediately realize that you're cool. +2 reaction rolls from the paleolithic set. If you roll this again, gain a cave person as a henchweenie. Reroll the third and subsequent occurrences of this item.
40-41 You learn a new language for a monster species not normally considered to be a sentient speaking race, like Green Slimish or Skeletonese. You may parlay with members of this species as if they were regular people.
42 There's a certain hill on the southern continent of the Dreamworld where you once got a really good panoramic view of the entirety of Creation. It was pretty rad. Since most confusion effects are based on overriding the brain's ability to filter out the complexities of the cosmos, you are now immune to confusion attacks. Reroll if you get this result again.
43-44 You gain a loyal first level henchweirdo. They cannot belong to a race or class in any D&D core rulebook.
45-47 You spend a LOT of time talking yourself out of trouble. +1 Cha.
48-49 Choose a standard class. It cannot be your own. You may now use any magic item allowed to that class.
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Jenny Everywhere by Diana Nock |
51-52 You understand the basics of operating machinery and electronics well beyond the ken of most people from backwater medieval fantasy universes. There's always at least a 1 in 6 chance you really screw up, though. Reroll if you get this result again.
53-55 You're really good at jury-rigging repairs with whatever is handy. Once per session you can fix a broken or malfunctioning device with an Intelligence check, but the DM can require the sacrifice of any d6 items you and your friends happen to have on them. Reroll if you get this result again.
56-57 Any time you are swallowed whole by a monster they must save versus poison or puke you up. Reroll if you get this result again.
58 Dogs just like you. +1 reactions from any canine encountered.
59-60 You pick up some training in another class. Pick any other random advancement chart (including the ones for other races), you may now use that chart for one advancement roll per level.
61-63 Smooth talker from out of town: +1 reaction rolls to seduce people who have never left their home universe.
64-65 Any time you would take half damage from a successful save, you can take no damage instead BUT you must sacrifice either an item in your hand or something you are wearing. Reroll if you get this result again.
66 You can sometimes see into extra dimensions. Once per session you can see invisible, ethereal, astral, etc. stuff for up to 1 turn. Rerolls add 1 turn to the duration. Reroll if you get this result again.
67-68 You gain +1 on finding secret doors. +2 if rolling on a d20.
69-71 Once per session you may pull a useful item out of your pocket/backpack/whatever. This item is roughly as useful as anything on the standard miscellaneous equipment list, but it can't be any of those objects. Like if you need rope, you can't select that but you could have a folding ladder in your backpack.
72-73 Once per session if the DM is using a die roll to see who among the party is attacked or affected by something bad, you can simply opt out of the determination. It's as if you weren't there.
74 You can immediately recognize a wand of wonder or any other magic item with a similar random chart of dumb effects for what it is, just by looking at it. If you roll this again, you may use such items and make an Int roll to control what happens (i.e. you get to look at the table and pick an effect). If you roll a 20 then d6 effects happen to you and you alone. Reroll the third and subsequent rolls on this chart.
75-76 If come across a magic portal that is dangerous in any way (like maybe it zaps for damage when you use it), you get an Int check to recognize that fact before you use it. Reroll if you get this result again.
77-79 You've picked up a little Venusian Aikido somewhere along the way. Roll on the Red Dragon Fighting Society chart.
80-81 Demons and other extraplanar entities can see from your aura that you are a walker among worlds and not some local yokel. You have +1 reaction rolls when parlaying with such beings. Rerolls increase the modifier.
82 Whenever you find yourself suddenly dropped into a hostile environment (under water, in a volcano, on the moon, in the heart of a black hole, etc.) you may make a save versus magic to act normally, sustaining no environmental penalties or damage, for d6 turns. You may do this exactly once.
83-84 The next time you are subject to a curse effect it somehow skips you and is inflicted on another random party member. This works just once.
85-86 Wanderers such a hobos, nomads, the Galactica refugee fleet, etc., recognize you as one of their own. They will hide you from the police, smuggle you and your friends across the border, etc, but you may end up having to marry someone to get their help.
87-89 If you have any missing or mangled body parts, you gain a cybernetic replacement at some chopshop down the street from Callahan's Crosstime Saloon. If you are not missing an eye or a hand or whatever, roll d10 on this chart to find your new mechanical enhancements:
- Xray Eye - Clairvoyance 1/session
- Lazor Eyes - Shoot beam attacks up to 120' for 2d6 damage, 10 shots then recharges over 24 hours
- Flame Arm - Integral flamethrower 3d6 save for half, cone 30' long, 20' wide, once per session
- Robo Arms - +2 Str
- Murder Hand - One of your hands is now a vicious melee weapon of some sort, doing d8 damage. Choose randomly which hand it is. If it's your sword arm, you're +2 to hit. If it's your off arm you get a second attack per round at -2.
- Robo Legs - +20' per round running speed
- Dermal Plating - +1 AC
- Filter Lungs - +4 saves versus poison gas
- CyberLiver - +2 saves versus ingested poisons
- ComputoBrain - +2 Int, -2 Cha, +2 saves versus charms
Reroll if the same enhancement comes up a second time.

92 If you are ever teleported stealthily, like in a labyrinth to mess up mapping, you instantly know you've been ported.
93-94 You gain +1 to a random stat.
95-97 If you are a spellcaster, you gain a new spell slot one level higher than you should. If you are not a caster, you gain random 1st level spell from your choice of the cleric or MU charts s a daily power.
98-99 Your body and equipment now vibrate at a strange frequency. Any attacks by you count as silver or cold iron. If you roll this again, they count as +1 magic. Reroll subsequent rolls of this item.
100 The next time you die you leave a pile of empty clothes, like Ben Kenobi. You reappear elsewhere in the cosmos, bereft of equipment but alive. This works only once. You may never return to the world where you died without immediately dropping dead.
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