My only campaign that looks likely to make it out of '05 alive is my 3.5 Gestalt game. The d20 Modern game was an interesting experiment, but I consider it over. My Marvel-based supers game could still resurface. I hate to change systems yet again, but Mutants & Masterminds isn't working as well as I hoped for. Should I just convert everyone over to the original Marvel game and be done with it? I dunno. Anyway, here are my current ideas for next year:
Western - Using either Boot Hill or Savage Worlds
Space Opera - Probably Star Frontiers setting with Savage Worlds rules
Basic/Expert D&D?
Kung Fu Action Movie - Feng Shui? Extreme Vengeance? Ninjas & Superspies? Even more Savage Worlds? I'm leaning towards Feng Shui and hoping I could get the Pancake Hut gang together for this one.
Dawn Patrol - maybe I'll just read the rules, push it around a bit, and take it to my Monday night get-together
Zombie game - AFMBE? Zombi? Savage Worlds yet again?
Starmada campaign - There's still the Four Years War to be fought for one. I'd like to get some minis fleets together still, but which figure lines? Trek? Star Frontiers? A couple of random fleets from the various sci-fi lines?
Traveller one-shot - Specifically not a tramp merchant game. Maybe something involving nobles and/or espionage. I think this would be a good one for Sue and the boys.
Prisoner one-shot? - I'd like coeli and her hubby to be in on this, not sure who else. And what system?!?
RPG-wise I'm going to continue pushing towards one-shots and mini-campaigns as my normal modus operandi. D&D is the only game for which I can really sustain a campaign.
Great Pendragon Campaign Follow-Up
From 2017 to 2021, I ran the Great Pendragon Campaign, starting in 480 AD
(I think technically the year 479 actually) and running to 535 AD. For most
of th...
That Prisoner one-shot sounds like a blast!