Thursday, September 09, 2004


  1. I really ought to watch the rest of the Lord of the Rings movies. They are the Star Wars of this generation of young geeks and I am making myself irrelevant by blowing them off.
  2. I need to figure out what the crap I want to run for Winter War and then get cracking on some char sheets and adventure notes.
  3. My blogging started as a way to get my writing chops in shape. Time to stop screwing around and get some non-blog writing done.
  4. My website hasn't been updated in a long-ass time: My BattleTech page still has only one scenario up and the Comics page hasn't been updated in years.
  5. The Erol Otus Shrine needs work, too.
  6. Hey, howzabout I stop jibber-jabbering about campaign ideas and actually work on a game?
  7. [top secret project]

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