Tuesday, January 19, 2021

From Aberdeen to Paris: Mapping the British gaming advertisers circa 1985

So here's something I've wanted to try for years. I logged the names and addresses of all the ads in White Dwarf issue #68 (September 1985), excluding the small ads (i.e. the classifieds). I only know a tiny thimbleful of British geography, but I really wanted to see where all these game companies, retailers, play-by-mail outfits, and miniatures manufacturers could be found. So I put the data into Google maps:


  1. It looks like the old country with it's UFOs, faeries and dolmens, thought RPGs were too close to home. So no/minimal West Country, Cornwall, Ireland or Scotland.

    Of course, it's also a population thing, but it's curious all the same.

  2. I was at university when the Virgin Games Centre in Aberdeen was open. Many bargains were had, which was great for a poor student!
