Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fight on, my friends, fight on.

So a new issue of Fight On! came out a while back and I said nary a peep about it here on the ol' Gameblog. That was a gross oversight and no slight was intended. Fight On! is one of the very best things to come out of this crazy thing we like to call the Old School Renaissance. Each issue is positively crammed with new classes, spells, adventures, monsters, DMs advice and all sorts of fun stuff. Issue seven has several neat articles for Empire of the Petal Throne, some crit charts, a couple full-size D&D adventures and some easily-imported smaller ones, comics, some fab new spells a retrospective on D&D Camp and the Wandering Harlot Table!

Get issue #7 of Fight On! at lulu in print or PDF form. While you're there pick up any back issues you missed and maybe something else, too. I recommend Supplement VI: The Majestic Wilderlands, Ruins & Ronin, X-plorers and/or Savage Swords of Athanor. Until the end of the year use the promo code HOHOHO to get 20% off your purchase.


  1. I am [verification word:] UNITED with the opinions of this post. Fight On issue 7 is a good buy.

  2. Actually, it is a Mutant Future harlot table which is at least ten times cooler. Scientifically speaking.

  3. Thanks for the info.
    I just ordered this and Savage Swords of Athanor.

  4. I was just about to get some stuff on Lulu, thanks for the promo code!

  5. Whoa! Were my eyes deceiving when I read Mutant Future harlot table? :-) I have to see this....

  6. I cannot express how much it pleases me that my Wandering Harlot Table (for Mutant Future, but it should work fine for EC or pretty much anything else) is a source of joy to so many.


  7. I'm thrilled that my players map for the Rad Expanse of the Broken Moon made the cut - it was inspired by your Slimy Lake map and minigazeteer from the prior issue, Jeff. :)

    Looking forward to getting my hardcopy.

  8. I picked up this and a few other PDF's from Lulu the other day, with the HOHOHO code. A gift card induced shopping spree. The code is only good for one checkout, though, so Make It Count... Make It Count... By Thrazar, Make It Count!!!

  9. In case Jeff hasn't persuaded you already I have a brief perusal of but some of the content in Fight-
    on no-7 written up on my blog.

