Friday, September 11, 2009

and now, a random chart

If Mutant Future gets a new edition, I hope it contains something like this:

Optional Random Mutant Animal Stock (d100)

01) Alligator
02) Alpaca
03) Amoeba
04) Ant
05) Anteater
06) Ape
07) Armadillo
08) Bear
09) Beaver
10) Bee
11) Beetle
12) Butterfly
13) Camel
14) Catfish
15) Centipede
16) Chameleon
17) Chicken
18) Chinchilla
19) Cockroach
20) Cow
21) Crab
22) Deer
23) Dinosaur
24) Dodo
25) Dog
26) Dolphin
27) Duck
28) Eagle
29) Earthworm
30) Eel
31) Elephant
32) Ferret
33) Fox
34) Frog
35) Gecko
36) Giraffe
37) Goat
38) Goldfish
39) Goose
40) Hawk
41) Hedgehog
42) Hippopotamus
43) Horse
44) Housecat
45) Hyaena
46) Jaguar
47) Kangaroo
48) Koala
49) Leech
50) Lemur
51) Leopard
52) Lion
53) Llama
54) Lobster
55) Monkey
56) Moose
57) Mosquito
58) Mule
59) Muskrat
60) Octopus
61) Ostrich
62) Otter
63) Panda
64) Parakeet
65) Parrot
66) Penguin
67) Pig
68) Piranha
69) Possum
70) Praying Mantis
71) Pufferfish
72) Rabbit
73) Raccoon
74) Rat
75) Rhino
76) Salamander
77) Seahorse
78) Scorpion
79) Shark
80) Sheep
81) Skunk
82) Sloth
83) Slug
84) Snake
85) Snail
86) Spider
87) Squid
88) Squirrel
89) Tiger
90) Turtle
91) Turkey
92) Unicorn
93) Walrus
94) Weasel
95) Whale
96) Wolf
97) Wolverine
98) Zebra
99-00) An Abomination Unto The Lord (roll twice, combine results)

Kindly Mutant Lords (i.e. GMs) may allow players who roll on this chart to substitute an animal based power for one or more random mutations. For example, a skunk PC might trade in one roll on the mutation charts for the ability to spray funk (the bad kind) on opponents.

Next task: a plant chart.


  1. I love this chart, although I must say I'd be tempted to input a house rule that all rolls on this chart are automatically OO.

    The player may roll or pick a favorite animal and then MUST roll for a second animal to combine it with.

    Spidergoat anyone?

    Barking Alien

  2. I would also hope your post-atomic equipment chart is also included. Stop signs shields, duh!

    Also, I would not at all mind playing a skunk mutant who sprays the other kind of funk. Would that be a mental mutation?

  3. Actually the Abomination combo *would* make for some interesting new critters. (rolls)

    Holy Crap. A "dodo-leech!"

    (starts hammering out some stats)

  4. This is great. MF has needed a random animal roll just for making your base animal mutation (though the other suggestions here are interesting as well).

    Now how about a plant table? :)

  5. Happy sigh.

    If I could get away with it, i'd do nothing but random charts for the rest of my life. They are my strongest GMing and game-writing passion.

  6. This has inspired me to do my own table.

    I especially like the neat little touch that last result is.
