Friday, October 23, 2009

like this, but with more filth

I wanted to share this pic I found yesterday. Crusty Island, the ruined city in my Mutant Future game, is a lot like this except that the water is polluted with some industrial sludge that builds up on top of the water. To get from building to building the PCs walk over the hardened, dried upper surface of the sludge.


  1. "like this, but with more filth"

    sounds like pretty process for converting stuff to Mutant Future / YAGoC (Your Apocalyptic Game of Choice).

  2. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Awesome. There've been some threads on this sort of thing on theminiaturespage, which are aimed more at wargaming boards than rpgs, but if you haven't seen them already you might find some neat inspiration there.

    I keep wanting to build a little flooded cityscape board for Ambush Alley... I keep telling myself I'd only need 2'x2'-3'x3'... and it would work for other games too.

    Your posting cool pictures is not helping my resolve to be lazy and not start another new project >.<

  3. The Joe6:18 AM

    I imagine it, not so much filth, but a two-foot thick (depending, of course, on the size of your foot) layer of snot. You know, the stuff that forms a film inside your nose when you have a sinus infection, and then dries.

    I'm going to keep my mind to myself from now on, I just made myself a little ill.

    WV: strackc

    Because you can never have too many of the letter "c".

  4. "I imagine it, not so much filth, but a two-foot thick (depending, of course, on the size of your foot) layer of snot. You know, the stuff that forms a film inside your nose when you have a sinus infection, and then dries."

    That's exactly the filth I had in mind, but occasionally junked up with debris like broken telephone poles, old 50 gallon drums, etc.

  5. I could actually photoshop that up for you if you're interested. I think I may do it anyway just for kicks.

    Finding good images for Post-Apocalyptic gaming is usually pretty tricky compared to Space Adventure/Sci-Fi or Fantasy but something like this is perfect. The concept art and images in a number of current video games has also been excellent.

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM
